Commodities & Metals

Commodities & Metals Articles

Ollanta Humala, a left-leaning nationalist, won nearly 51% of the vote in Sunday’s presidential election in Peru and will take office in late July. Humala has promised to raise royalty payments on...
Today’s commodities watch offers some thoughts about the coming end of the Federal Reserve’s QE2 program and the effect that will have on commodity prices.  One could make a pretty good argument...
Today’s commodities watch looks at a government-ordered suspension of mining concessions in Peru and the continuing worries over grain prices as US corn planting remains behind schedule and Russia...
Mosaic Co. (NYSE: MOS) keeps recovering from its 100 million share offering from Cargill.  The overhang is now behind it, and we are seeing that Wall Street analysts are continuing to warm back up...
Today’s commodities news leads off with a quick look at how fertilizer stocks are doing. There’s also some bad news out of Europe on malting barley, which could be equally bad news for beer...
Less than two weeks ago we were given an exclusive interview with Tom Winmill of the Midas Fund (NASDAQ: MIDSX).  Winmill told us he believes that gold will reach $1,700/ounce in 2011 and he also...
Today’s commodities watch focuses exclusively on silver, The Devil’s Metal. It appears that the gray metal may have hit a floor although the exact level of that floor is arguable. The price of...
Mosaic Co. (NYSE: MOS) was brutalized going into its huge secondary offering where Cargill and affiliated parties were selling 100 million shares.  Right before the offering, we had noted that...
Today’s commodities news leads off with a new report on mergers and acquisitions in the metals sector, including a failed try at selling a copper miner. There’s also a new report on grain...
Today’s commodities report takes a look at the recovery in silver, another comeback for coffee, and some concerns about agricultural exchange-traded products.  The price of silver is up about 4.5%...
Molycorp, Inc. (NYSE: MCP) is about to see even more shares come to the market.  The company has filed with the SEC to sell up to an additional 11,500,000 shares.  The offering would amount to...
The new Starbucks  (NASDAQ: SBUX) formula for success is straightforward. Sell a wider set of products. Offer free Wifi. Concentrate on the current chain of stores instead of rapidly expanding them...
Today’s commodities markets are being driven by a new report from Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (NYSE: GS) essentially reversing its ‘sell’ report of scarcely six weeks ago. Copper prices remain...
Deere & Company (NYSE: DE) might have enjoyed any other day discussing a new factory in China as it expands closer to other end-markets, but today’s excitement is around a higher dividend for...
Today’s commodities news is all about the effect of a stronger dollar on commodities prices. Cotton prices, which rose almost non-stop beginning in August 2010, could be moderating and giving a...