Health and Healthcare

Health and Healthcare Articles

A recent analysis reveals that the doctors most likely to burn out are those who work in emergency rooms.
A recent analysis reveals that the death toll from COVID-19 could be 2 million this year.
Weight-loss drugs are expected to affect earnings at consumer staples companies. A personal story offers a perspective on how the drugs take a toll on people.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issues safety alerts as needed to provide timely new safety information on human drugs, medical devices, vaccines, and other products, including biologics,...
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issues safety alerts as needed to provide timely new safety information on human drugs, medical devices, vaccines, and other products, including biologics,...
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issues safety alerts as needed to provide timely new safety information on human drugs, medical devices, vaccines, and other products, including biologics,...
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issues safety alerts as needed to provide timely new safety information on human drugs, medical devices, vaccines, and other products, including biologics,...
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issues safety alerts as needed to provide timely new safety information on human drugs, medical devices, vaccines, and other products, including biologics,...
Two of the country's largest drug store chains have received warning letters from the FDA for selling unapproved eye drops.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issues safety alerts as needed to provide timely new safety information on human drugs, medical devices, vaccines, and other products, including biologics,...
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issues safety alerts as needed to provide timely new safety information on human drugs, medical devices, vaccines, and other products, including biologics,...
A recent analysis reveals that the United States has one of the shortest life expectancies at birth.
Polluted air shortens people's lives more than does smoking. In many parts of the world, pollution is falling, but the exceptions include parts of the American West where wildfires are raging.
Walmart wants to eliminate the long wait for a doctor’s appointment and the high cost of visiting them.
The FDA has identified six products marketed as energy enhancements that containt unidentified drugs that may pose significant health risks.