Telecom & Wireless

Telecom & Wireless Articles

Twenty-six percent of Americans now get news via their cellphones, according to a Pew Research poll of 2,259 people taken between December 28 and January 19. The study shows that 43% of people under...
Palm (PALM) may not be dead, but it is dying. It could not survive that ongoing success of smartphone leaders Apple (AAPL) and RIM (RIMM). The iPhone and Blackberry just keep gaining sales are...
Google (GOOG) announced that it will test “superfast” broadband in more than 50,000 households and will offer connection speeds that are in some cases one hundred times faster than current...
A new study by JD Power shows that wireless call quality fell sharply during the last six months. Part of this is undoubtedly due to overloads of 3G networks which are swamped with data. But...
There are occasional conversations among regulators in the US and EU about whether Google (GOOG) has too much of the search engine advertising market. In America, it controls about 70% of the...
RIM (RIMM) maker of the iconic Blackberry smartphone, warned that bandwidth has started to become scarce in markets like the US. It would make sense. The 3G high-speed infrastructure which was...
The Barcelona annual telecom meet-up has given Microsoft (MSFT) the chance to unveil its new Window Mobile 7 software. It has also given 24 wireless carriers that chance to unveil a product which...
Microsoft (MSFT) launched an impressive new version of it mobile operating system. Windows Phone Series 7 will offer Zune multimedia features and game features and functions from the Xbox....
The Apple (AAPL) Apps store has downloaded more than three billion software applications to iPhone and iPod touch devices. Programmers have created more than 150,000 products for the e-commerce...
Verizon Wireless may soon offer its subscribers a new and inexpensive way to make calls. The carrier is likely to begin to offer VoIP services Skype on its handsets. According to BusinessWeek,...
In the land of telecom and communications equipment and services, perhaps Alcatel-Lucent (NYSE: ALU) is only the second worst company of the last decade of the old one-stop leaders.  At least it has...
It has probably occurred to Google (GOOG) management that customer service for its Nexus One handset has been poor and that has hurt the handset’s reputation. Google also has to compete with other...
Motorola’s (NYSE:MOT) handset business came close to collapse after its failure to replace its successful RAZR cost it the No.2 global market share position in its industry. The firm’s shares...
Leap Wireless International Inc. (NASDAQ: LEAP) was up huge late in the trading on Monday.  In fact, it posted double-digit percentage gains on late-day that it had hired Goldman Sachs and Morgan...
The price war for market share in the cellular business have moved from carriers to handset manufacturers. AT&T (NYSE:T) and Verizon Wireless have dropped subscriber fees in a battle for US...