Lastest Stories by Mike Sauter

Amidst record-high temperatures and a very anti-climactic 4th of July, power outages have left millions without air-conditioning and even water in rural areas where households rely on electric pumps....
The 10 largest advertisers in the United States spent $26.2 billion in 2011, according to Advertising Age, an advertising trade publication. While the number is huge, it looks even larger when total...
According to data released earlier this month, asking home prices in the nation’s largest metro regions rose for the fourth time in five months. This is another positive sign for the national real...
It’s not uncommon for companies to hire business consulting firms to help them grow their businesses. However, it is almost unheard of for the consulting company’s CEO to become the consulted...
While the march towards gender equality slowly progresses around the world, one disturbing issue remains unresolved — safety for women. Even in the developed world, large segments of the female...
A weak job market, along with the high cost of higher education, have made it difficult for the average college graduate in America. Approximately 53% of college graduates under the age of 25 are...
Unemployment in the European Union hit a record high in May. According to data provided by Eurostat, the unemployment rate in the 17 EU economies hit 11.1%, up from 10% the year before. There are now...
The eurozone debt crisis has had a profound effect on the world economy. Countries such as Greece, Ireland and Portugal received emergency bailout money to stay afloat. Meanwhile, the U.S. government...
Fiscal woes in Europe and sluggish job growth in the United States have put downward pressures on oil prices. As a result, gasoline prices declined in all but two states over the past month,...
It’s no secret that many jobs traditionally have been dominated by one gender or another. While the inroads women are making into traditionally male-dominated jobs have been much discussed, it...
In 2011, the U.S. economy grew for the second straight year, although at a slower pace than in 2010. According to figures released by the Bureau of Economic Analysis, U.S. GDP increased 1.5% — less...
By Eric Philo Housing in the United States could be poised for a surprisingly robust recovery. Home price comparisons have improved for five months running, the best performance since the crisis...
flickr/incendiarymindWhile some income inequality is generally considered necessary in a free market economy, extreme inequality is not. In the United States, there are far more poor people than...
According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, more Americans aged five to 34 are killed in motor vehicle crashes than from any other single cause. Despite this disturbing fact, a study released...
-By Jed Kolko Today’s Facebook IPO will make a lot of my Bay Area neighbors very rich, at least on paper. And many more of my neighbors are hoping that Facebook’s IPO will set off a strong wave...