Lastest Stories by Andrew Raker

When it comes to popular culture, there’s often a huge gap between the opinions of the critics and the general public. “Beach read” romance or crime novels seldom win plaudits from The New York...
When a Hollywood film achieves blockbuster success, its sequel often seems more or less inevitable. Yet with the attempt to repeat a formula successfully comes the risk of redundancy, along with a...
From costume parties to a night of trick or treating, Halloween offers no shortage of potential set pieces for cinematic drama. It’s then no surprise that the holiday plays different roles in...
You want the truth? You can’t handle the truth! Okay, maybe you can handle the truth, which is that no movie is complete without memorable dialogue and a handful of signature quotes. Not only do...
Anyone who thinks that repetition is a new concept in Hollywood will think again when they revisit the classic Western era. Recycling sets and storylines alike, studios churned out literally...
Every decade brings forth its own unique cinematic styles and the 1980s were no exception. In terms of comedy, the output was nearly slapdash in its silliness and yet not without its pointed themes...
Hollywood aspires to offer audiences “likable” protagonists, but an iconic movie is often only as good as its primary villain. More than mere obstacles, these essential characters laugh in the...
When Hollywood loosened moral guidelines in the 1960s there came an immediate uptick in violent cinema, with “Bonnie & Clyde” being the most famous example. Yet Arthur Penn’s bloody crime...
Actor body transformations have become a modern Hollywood tradition, though few examples exist prior to Robert De Niro’s iconic portrayal of boxer Jake LaMotta in 1980’s “Raging...
Hollywood has lost no shortage of shining stars in the midst of their careers, often when they were still young. Some of the more tragic examples include the demise of several glamorous comic...
Here’s something that should come as news to no one: the Oscars don’t always get it right. Proving as much are some of history’s biggest upsets in the Best Picture category, where an arguably...
In a world where covert missions and thrilling espionage tales reign supreme, the best spy shows have carved a niche in the hearts of viewers. These pulse-pounding series boast adrenaline-fueled...