Lastest Stories by Austin Smith

The discussion focuses on NVIDIA’s (NASDAQ: NVDA) remarkable rise, surpassing a $3 trillion market cap and potentially outpacing Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT). The conversation highlights an...
The discussion covers OPEC’s historical non-compliance with production cuts and the impact of oil flows from Russia and China’s consumption patterns. The conversation touches on...
The discussion revolves around the confusion regarding OPEC’s recent announcements. Despite hinting at potential future quota increases, OPEC decided to maintain current production cuts until...
There is a discussion about whether Ackman’s move to take Pershing public is partly a publicity stunt. It is noted that media-savvy figures like Ackman, who is 58 and well-suited for a CEO...
The conversation highlights the potential impact of new battery technology on the EV market, the future entrance of Chinese car manufacturers, and the generational shift in EV adoption. Ford’s...
The discussion shifts to the EV market, highlighting significant sales increases for GM (NYSE: GM), Ford (NYSE: F), Hyundai-Kia, BMW, Mercedes, and Porsche in May. Ford, in particular, is gaining...
Bill Ackman’s firm, Pershing Square may go public. Ackman, who has sold 10% of Pershing to institutional investors, is looking to emulate Pershing’s  European public stock. The...
Warren Buffett, despite being one of the world’s greatest investors, has had notable investment flops. These mistakes highlight the challenges of investing over a long career and the importance...
With the 2025 COLA adjustment potentially falling short of inflation, retirees may need to consider alternative income sources. Here are five flexible, well-paying part-time jobs that retirees can...
The looming Social Security funding shortfall, projected to impact benefits by 2035, requires a multi-faceted solution. Possible measures include raising payroll taxes, subjecting more wages to...
The Social Security system is facing a funding shortfall by 2035, potentially leading to a 17% reduction in benefits. Alex Lawson from Social Security Works highlights income inequality as a major...
Managing unforeseen expenses in retirement is crucial, and owning a vehicle is often a significant expense. Retirees should prioritize reliability to ensure their cars enable a hassle-free lifestyle....
Recent data from Zillow reveals that it’s now more affordable to rent than to own a home in the United States, making the dream of homeownership seem more distant. Homeowners are spending 35% of...
Warren Buffett, known for his investment acumen and philosophical wisdom, offers valuable advice for those approaching retirement. Key insights include the importance of lifelong learning, the power...
Elon Musk’s Tesla (NASDAQ: TSLA) has achieved significant milestones, including becoming the world’s most valuable automaker and seeing substantial success with the Model Y. Despite these...