Lastest Stories by Colman Andrews

Somebody once proposed that any town in America with a population of more than about 10,000 had at least one Chinese restaurant. That may or may not be true, but according to some estimates, there...
Indie movies sometimes hit it big. The offbeat 1999 horror flick “The Blair Witch Project,” which cost less than $500,000 to produce and had a cast nobody had ever heard of, brought in $258...
It’s hard to tell how America’s most successful restaurant chains will emerge from our year-plus of pandemic restrictions and changed eating habits — but the industry got a good head start in...
In any discussion of poverty in America, there’s an official baseline: For statistical purposes and the determination of benefits, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services sets the current...
“If they do kill me,” Abraham Lincoln once said, “I shall never die another death.” They did kill him, of course, and if he ever died a second time, history does not record it. Lincoln, as we...
It’s a sad truth that women have long faced gender discrimination in the workplace, being discouraged from pursuing some professions, finding the path to significant promotion blocked (the...
The public sector — federal, state, and local government — employs about 20.2 million people, measuring almost 15% of the total American workforce. Educational instruction and library jobs,...
Pablo Picasso, the rapper Prodigy, and the fourth president of the United States have something in common: They all died while eating. There’s an old Catalan proverb that says “The table kills...
In an earlier era, choosing an ice cream flavor was easy. The standard options were vanilla, strawberry, and chocolate, and sometimes a slab of Neapolitan — which was a banded combination of all...
Wealth, according to Merriam-Webster, is an “abundance of valuable material possessions or resources.” Abundance is relative, of course. While the U.S. government defines the poverty level...
Even before the pandemic, 48% of American food shoppers were already buying at least a portion of their groceries online, with that number expected to rise to 59% in 2019 and to as much as 70% by...
The public sector — federal, state, and local government — employs about 20.2 million people, measuring almost 15% of the total American workforce. Educational instruction and library jobs,...
Much of the world as we know it might disappear or at least become uninhabitable in the coming decades — in some cases by as early as 2050, and almost certainly by 2100 — if the international...
You’re considered poor in most of America if you have an annual income of $12,880 for individuals or $26,500 for a family of four, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (the...
Musicians — especially in the rock and jazz genres — don’t always have long lifespans. Accidents, drugs, random violence, suicide, and disease have claimed far too many talented lives too...