Lastest Stories by Colman Andrews

The oldest college football stadium in America is Philadelphia’s Franklin Field, built in 1895. The identity of the oldest venue for pro football can be argued: Soldier Field, home of the Chicago...
Celebrity English footballer – i.e., soccer player – David Beckham is the subject of a hit Netflix documentary series called (what else?) “Beckham,” which focuses not only on his professional...
The dictionary defines “strategy” as “a plan of action designed to achieve a major goal.” In military terms, of course, the goal is almost always victory over the enemy, or at least...
According to Forbes, there are about 7,000 Irish pubs across the globe and about 4,000 of those are in the U.S. It’s hard to think of an American town of any size that doesn’t have at least one,...
Here’s sobering news for those who smoke a lot of marijuana: Two preliminary studies being presented at the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions 2023, being held Nov. 11-13 in...
COVID-19 sure put the damper on our restaurant-going. An estimated 70,000 to 90,000 eating places closed as a direct or indirect result of the pandemic, from fast food outlets to temples of...
For many generations of Americans, buying a home was a goal. It was a commitment to stability, a sign that you were a grown-up, a symbol of success. To many, over the decades, being able to own the...
Regular consumption of even small portions of a common, versatile, inexpensive vegetable may result in a 50% reduction in the chances of developing MCI, or mild cognitive impairment, according to a...
Fast food chains employ chefs, culinary consultants, and test kitchen staffs to constantly revise (and theoretically improve) items on their menus as well as to develop new ones — which may never...
When it comes to important choices like deciding which presidential candidate we’d like to see installed in the White House following the next election, such virtues as experience, honesty,...