Lastest Stories by Colman Andrews

The federal government defines the poverty line in the continental United States as $12,880 per year for individuals and $26,500 for families of four — with slightly higher numbers for Alaska and...
“Sa-a-a-d movies always make me cry,” sang Sue Thompson in her 1961 hit song of (almost) the same name. In her case, as it turned out, it wasn’t really the movie that brought tears to her eyes...
Everybody loves to share in a good secret, and the experience is all the more delicious when food is involved. That’s why “secret menus” at chain restaurants have become so popular in the past...
Between the end of World War II and the end of the 20th century, Americans (especially city-dwellers) forgot a lot about food — where it came from, how it looked in its natural state, how to cook...
The food Americans have missed the most during long months of not dining out — and most look forward to eating again when restaurant-going gets back to normal — is Mexican, according to figures...
Americans consume  about 57 pounds of beef and veal per person a year. How much of the beef was in the form of steak is hard to calculate, but judging from the proliferation of steakhouses around...
The American South covers a vast portion of the country, comprising, at least according to the U.S. Census Bureau, some 17 states and the District of Columbia — a region extending from the...
Fast food chains are always (to borrow a one-time slogan from Taco Bell) thinking outside the bun. They all have serious test kitchens and employ skilled chefs — men and women who could just as...
Easter, along with Christmas, is one of the two most important occasions on the Christian calendar, celebrating the resurrection of Christ after his crucifixion — and by extension the idea of...
Food and drink trends come and go. Some blaze across the culinary landscape, enjoying a year or two of fame at most, then fade into obscurity. Others hang around stubbornly long after they’ve...
Costco is one of the big dogs on the international retail scene. The membership-only chain has more than 800 stores in a dozen countries, and was identified last year as the world’s fifth largest...
Food fashions come and go just like fashions of any other kind. Availability of new ingredients, increased familiarity with different cuisines, the imagination of chefs and restaurateurs, and simply...
We get our word “pantry” from the Middle French word “paneterie,” meaning a place where bread was stored. The term evolved to describe a small room, closet, or cabinet where non-perishable...
These days, there are people making artisanal tortillas in Ireland, small-batch soy sauce in Kentucky, and Spanish-style sausage in southwestern Georgia. It might be hard to remember, then, that...
Bacon just won’t die. Americans have probably eaten this cured and/or smoked pork belly product for as long as there have been Americans. Our over-the-top national obsession with it, though, seems...