Lastest Stories by Colman Andrews

Are things looking up on the American dining scene? Possibly. Credit rating agency Moody’s Investors Service has just upgraded its restaurant industry prognosis from “negative” to “stable,”...
Cookies are irresistible. They’re easy to bake, relatively inexpensive to buy, and all too easy to eat. They’re small (usually), sweet, either crisp and crunchy or luxuriously tender and soft,...
Restaurants have suffered greatly during the COVID-19 pandemic, and many of them have gone out of business for good. Bars have had it even worse, though. Restaurants tend to be larger than bars and...
Even though restaurants across the nation are now permitted (at least provisionally) to serve indoors — with customer limits ranging from 25% to 100% of their total seating capacity and with social...
America is a huge country with immense variation in climate and topography and a diverse population drawn from hundreds of nations around the world. These factors add up to incredible variety in what...
The food Americans have missed the most during long months of not dining out — and most look forward to eating again when restaurant-going gets back to normal — is Mexican, according to figures...
The bad news just keeps coming for the restaurant business in America. A New York Restaurant Association study covering more than a thousand operators around the state found that, unless a full-scale...
“Sa-a-a-d movies always make me cry,” sang Sue Thompson in her 1961 hit song of (almost) the same name. In her case, as it turned out, it wasn’t really the movie that brought tears to her eyes...
The coronavirus pandemic has significantly damaged the food industry in the U.S. More than six months after being forced to shut down and hundreds of iconic establishments closing for good,...
The outlook continues to look bleak for the American food service industry. Restaurants across the country have endured mandated closings (supposedly temporary, but often dragging on many months)...
As people continue to do their part in the fight against COVID-19 and spend more time at home, many find themselves inevitably searching for new material to watch. While playing “streaming...
America is a huge country with immense variation in climate and topography and a diverse population drawn from hundreds of nations around the world. These factors add up to incredible variety in what...