Lastest Stories by Colman Andrews

There are more than 38,000 supermarkets in the U.S. The vast majority of these — over 25,000 — are so-called conventional or traditional markets. The Food Marketing Institute defines these as...
An estimated 1.8 million children in the U.S. have a potentially life-threatening allergy to peanuts. (According to the National Institutes of Health, little is known about peanut allergies in...
The U.S. Department of Agriculture estimated in 2018 that our annual consumption of chicken as a nation was about 98 pounds per person. When the National Chicken Council conducted a survey of...
A popular pain-killer, generally considered safe and effective, can turn toxic and even deadly if it’s overused — a concern amplified by a study of the possible deadly effects of the drug...
Milkshakes and malts (which are just shakes with malted milk powder added) have been around since the early 20th century, and started getting really popular in the 1950s. These blended combinations...
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there are more than 150,000 last names and at least 5,100 first names in common use in America. It stands to reason, then, that there would be a number of...
The National Weather Service reports that Hurricane Dorian, with its 185 mph winds, is the second strongest storm ever recorded in the Atlantic basin. Now Dorian has lost some of its strength — it...
America is a huge country with immense variation in climate and topography and a diverse population drawn from hundreds of nations around the world. These factors add up to incredible variety in what...
A recidivist is a habitual criminal, one who relapses constantly into crime. That term applies to a surprisingly large number of offenders in the U.S., according to a new report by the Prison Policy...
Mental illness is a pervasive problem nationwide. According to this infographic on mental health facts in America published by the National Alliance on Mental Illness. About one in five U.S. adults...
A new device smaller than an oral thermometer uses nano-sensors to measure biomarkers in saliva to accurately predict the risk of heart disease or a heart attack. It then conveys information to users...
When Vermont launched its Remote Worker Grant Program last year — offering up to $10,000 to new residents under certain circumstances — they expected a modest response and earmarked $125,000 for...
Women won the right to vote in a number of countries before they won it in the U.S. New Zealand was the first, back in 1893, to pass women’s suffrage. Australia followed in 1902. Then came Finland,...
You might think that the 21 Democratic candidates for president in 2020 (actually 20 — Bernie Sanders is an Independent), plus a couple over on the other side, represent an almost bewilderingly...
Swiss women live longer in general than any other group of men or women — some 79.03 years — according to a new review of average lifespans in 15 major countries with high life expectancies. Most...