Lastest Stories by Colman Andrews

Everybody knows that the Fourth of July celebrates the signing of the Declaration of Independence, the historic document by means of which the 13 American colonies severed their political connections...
Kansas City barbecue-flavored mushroom chips, Morrocan squash and sweet potato curry baby food, popcorn-style popped lotus seeds in coconut or mango-habenero flavors, spring water infused with...
The Kroger supermarket company wants to get your groceries to you so fast that actually going to the store yourself will seem like a waste of time. The firm is currently testing a new...
What’s the most popular distilled spirit in the world? Vodka? Scotch or bourbon? Tequila? Not even close. The winner is baijiu, a traditional Chinese grain liquor, usually made from sorghum or rice...
Five public health and consumer protection organizations have joined together to ask the U.S. government to require new warning labels on all alcoholic beverages. The American Institute for Cancer...
A survey of fast food preferences by the American Customer Service Index has just named Chick-fil-A as the nation’s favorite fast food restaurant for the fourth year in a row. The 23,000 consumers...
In an earlier era, choosing an ice cream flavor was easy. The standard options were vanilla, strawberry, and chocolate, and sometimes a slab of Neapolitan — which was a banded combination of all...
The airline industry data company OAG has just released its annual report on airline and airport on-time performance — and the news isn’t good for passengers flying around the U.S. The survey...
The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) prohibits college athletes from profiting monetarily in any way from their sports activities — even though the organization (and its member...
For decades, everyone from medical researchers to academic nutritionists to pop-culture dieticians has been telling us the same thing: For longer, healthier lives, eat less processed meat and consume...
Good cooks who give great dinner parties hear this all the time: “You should open a restaurant.” Cooks who are not just good but also smart realize that there’s a world of difference between...
Consumers may soon be able to sip Scotch flavored with faint hints of tequila, mezcal, calvados, Brazil’s cachaça, even Asian spirits like China’s grain-based baijiu, according to new guidelines...
That’s the surprising conclusion of a study called “Civic Honesty Around the Globe,” just published in the journal Science. Working in stages, teams of economists from the universities of...
A survey of more than 5,000 Americans aged 13 to 73 conducted by the canned- and frozen-vegetable brand Green Giant has revealed that the nation’s favorite vegetable is…broccoli. Happily for the...
Summer means grilling — lighting the hardwood charcoal or briquets or igniting the propane to impart that inimitable outdoor culinary magic on hot dogs and burgers, chicken and shrimp, maybe even...