Lastest Stories by Grace Cassidy

Buying a home can be a long and arduous process. It involves numerous legal and financial steps, as well as making a checklist of must-haves and touring properties. First-time homebuyers face great...
Every state and region in the United States has a range of popular residential architecture styles. These styles evolved over years of migration patterns, international settlements, and building to...
Real estate is one of the most popular investments that Americans want to make. As an investment, real estate is generally considered safe, as properties almost always appreciate in value. Because of...
The home buying process is an exciting time. It’s full of new possibilities, and lifestyle upgrades that feel within reach. If you’ve been on the hunt for a home to purchase and you think...
Retirement is an exciting time. This next chapter of life often includes less or no work, spending more time with loved ones, and dedicating time for hobbies and passion projects. For many Americans,...
Selling a home is not cheap. Homeowners looking to sell their home or an investment property need to do a lot of work once they decide to offload their asset. These tasks typically include forking...
After record-low interest rates at under 3 percent spurred whirlwind economic activity in 2021, the United States Federal Reserve began increasing interest rates in 2022. This was done to curb...
If you’ve been paying attention to financial and real estate news, you may have heard experts claim that 2024 is a sellers’ market. This means housing demand exceeds the available supply, which...
Renovating a home requires a lot of work. Before any of that work can even begin, you will likely need to get the correct building permits. It’s estimated that more than 80 percent of homeowners...