Lastest Stories by John Harrington

As the Russian invasion in Ukraine continues to drag on, forces have dug in, relying on long-range artillery strikes to inflict damage on enemy-controlled cities. A recent Ukrainian counteroffensive...
A recent report found that the world’s 60 largest banks financed $5.5 trillion in deals and loans for the fossil-fuel industry over the last seven years, dating from the historic Paris climate...
A report published in Science in May forecast dire futures for the many of the largest and most famous lakes on our planet, more than half of which have lost vast amounts of water over the previous...
Cancer is the second-most common cause of death in America after heart disease. Nearly 1.9 million new cancer cases are likely to be diagnosed in the United States in 2023, and about 609,820 deaths...
What do Bruce Springsteen, Faith Hill, Andy Williams, James Brown, and Busta Rhymes have in common? These luminaries in the genres of rock, country, easy listening, soul, and rap, respectively, have...
Reaching the No. 1 spot on Billboard’s Hot 100 chart has never been easy for artists. Many factors must align, like airplay, timing, and competition. Still, not hitting  the very top doesn’t...
Over the last five years, the U.S. population grew by 2.7%, increasing from approximately 327 million in 2016 to nearly 332 million in 2021, with immigration accounting for nearly the entire...
In addition to offering classic gangster films and adventure motion pictures, Netflix regularly features first-rate movies that it has produced itself, many of which have won honors at the Academy...
Almost 16 million Americans were issued paid hunting licenses in 2021. Hunting is a part of the American frontiersman image and an important aspect of the nation’s culture. Hunting has evolved from...
Whether they are considered classic or contemporary or anything in between, Amazon Prime has dipped into its film library in August to offer a wealth of great motion pictures from every decade...
For movie fans, there are certain famous roles that are so closely associated with the actor or actress that you cannot envision anyone else playing that character. Is there anyone else other than...
As the war in Ukraine enters its 19th month, Ukraine continues to press its counteroffensive to try and expel Russian forces from the eastern part of the country. At the same time, the outgunned and...
It has been more than three-quarters of a century since the end of World War II. No conflict since then has come near to the magnitude of death and destruction wrought. During six years of battle,...
The Russian invasion of Ukraine is now stretching on into its second year. Many pundits expected the conflict to last weeks at most, and maybe even end in a few days. The basis for what turned out to...
When hostilities commenced during the American Revolution in 1775 between Great Britain and the North American colonies, all the advantages seemed to be on the side of Great Britain, the largest...