Lastest Stories by John Harrington

In the history and mythology of the American West, the role of firearms is central to the conquest of the frontier and the fulfillment of America’s Manifest Destiny.  Told in history books,...
July 4th is Independence Day for the United States, but for teenagers in America, their true day of independence is the day they get their first driver’s license – a right of passage that, for...
What do Audrey Hepburn, Vivian Leigh, Jennifer Lawrence, and Sophia Loren have in common? All won an Academy Award before they turned 30. They are not alone in that regard. Using IMDb, an online...
The famous World War I poster of Uncle Sam said, “I want you for U.S. Army.” These days, the Army wants all manner of health care professionals to join, and is willing to pay top dollar for them....
In the past year and a half, we have been reminded how a hot border can turn into a full-scale war. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is the most serious armed conflict in Europe since World War II. ...
Many of the great monuments left from antiquity — such as the Pyramids and the Sphinx in Egypt, and the Coliseum in Rome — were raised to glorify monarchy and power. But there are other...
The challenge of accurately depicting the horrors of war was first undertaken by the ancient Greek historians Herodotus and Thucydides. Many classic novels have since attempted the same feat – for...
Besides its firepower, the sheer size of a tank has made it the most intimidating weapon on the battlefield for more than 100 years. Few motion pictures have captured the terror in the eyes of...
The U.S. has 750 military bases in 80 countries, according to data from the Cato Institute. After bases in the U.S., the biggest bases tend to be in Europe. And though American troops are sometimes...
Nations have been holding ostentatious military parades since at least ancient Mesopotamia, when its victorious armies returned from battles fought to expand the empire. It’s safe to say that...
Beginning in the 19th century, the battleship was the symbol of a nation’s naval strength. These vessels displaced tens of thousands of tons, bore massive guns, and were cloaked with the thickest...
The coronavirus pandemic exposed several weaknesses of the U.S. health care system, including expensive hospital stays and shortages of doctors and nurses. Still, hospitals today are significantly...
The United States, the world’s preeminent military power, operates at least 750 U.S. military base sites abroad in 80 countries and territories, according to the Quincy Institute for Responsible...
There are about 470,000 words in Webster’s Third New International Dictionary and the Oxford English Dictionary combined, though it’s estimated that only about 170,000 are used frequently. And...