Lastest Stories by John Harrington

For the thrill-seeking moviegoer, nothing quite matches a car chase. Filmmakers have known this from the industry’s beginnings – there’s a 1903 short in which a wealthy man in a limousine...
Every state has produced at least one criminal whose deeds were so heinous or have effects that are so far-reaching that they become truly infamous. To compile a list of the single most infamous...
The Soviet Union launched the first satellite, Sputnik, in 1957. Throughout the 1960s and during the Cold War, space was a testing ground for government-funded satellites sent by the Soviets and the...
There are 20 countries that have launched at least 14 satellites currently orbiting our planet. But there is one nation that for the time being has orbited the field many times over. (Also see, 20 of...
Television dramas and comedies have been set in any number of American cities over the years. Some of them have even included the city’s name in the title: “The Streets of San Francisco,”...
From our vantage point in the 21st century, it might seem incredible that the leader of a nation would place himself or herself in harm’s way in a battle. But what seems unbelievable now was...
The United States is the third-most populous country on Earth behind China and India, and, like them, it is growing. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there is one birth in the U.S. every nine...
There are many indelible images of the Second World War: the flag-raising on Iwo Jima; the Russian soldier hoisting a red banner signifying victory at Stalingrad; crowds thronging the streets on V-E...
Boxing movies have been among the most acclaimed sports films. And they can also sometimes be among the lowest-rated – the worst. To determine the worst boxing movies of all time according to both...
The debut of MTV on Aug. 1, 1981, had a profound effect on the music industry and helped shape what people listened to in the 1980s. Besides boosting the careers of acts such as Madonna and Duran...
We know that successful assassinations have altered history’s trajectory. One can only wonder how different the world might have been had some failed assassinations, such as the attempt on Adolf...
As long as there has been warfare, there have been sieges. The roll call of places known for protracted struggles that caused misery and sorrow is long. Here are a few: Carthage, Xiangyang,...
Though tanks debuted in battle the year before, it was in the Battle of Cambrai in 1917, during World War I, that the armored monsters became the most feared weapon on the battlefield. Tanks have...
Making movies is a complicated business. Logistics concerns, rewriting scripts, massaging stars’ egos, and avoiding cost overruns are just some of the issues confronting producers and directors....
Sitcoms were a well-established television genre by the time “The Dick Van Dyke Show” first aired in 1961. What set the show apart was that it significantly raised the writing and acting standard...