Lastest Stories by John Harrington

Oil prices recently topped $100 a barrel for the first time in over a decade as Russia’s war on Ukraine triggered sanctions and supply disruptions. This has helped fuel inflation around the world...
World military spending reached an all-time high of $2.1 trillion in 2021, the seventh straight year that spending increased, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. The...
America is an aging nation: Baby boomers are reaching retirement (the oldest turned 65 in 2011), and due to declining birth rates and limits on immigration, the population of the U.S. in 2021 grew by...
Although the nuclear age ushered in humankind’s most terrifying weapons, it also held the promise of a powerful and limitless new energy source. In 1954, the first nuclear power plant became...
We all look forward to the weekend, and movie companies are no exception. It’s the best opportunity to debut a film and maximize its viewership – though opportunities were few in 2020, as the...
How long can a creature on Earth live? Animals living on the land, in the air, and in water can, under the right circumstances, live for many decades or even centuries. The oldest-documented...
The photos of the devastating aftermath of the atomic bomb attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which helped to hasten the Japanese surrender and the end of World War II, are unforgettable. The...
Tax day in the U.S. just passed, and if you feel like you are working a large part of your life just to pay taxes, the statistics bear you out. And in some states, that burden is greater than others....
If 2020 was a year Corporate America would like to forget because of the pandemic-induced economic downturn, 2021 is a year business will gladly remember. According to a Bloomberg News story from...
If you have driven the nation’s highways recently or spent any time in downtown America, you have seen the “We’re hiring” signs in front of stores, office buildings, supermarkets, and...
It has been more than two years since the start of the pandemic, and the culture of the American workplace has changed. More companies are responding to worker demands for a hybrid working...
The world is gradually moving toward a future that is less reliant on fossil fuels such as oil. But in the present, many of the world economies are quite dependent on the commodity. (These are...
Scott Fitzgerald famously said the rich are different from you and me. Regardless of the traits or behavior of the wealthy, the richest 1% still have to pay taxes. That makes them the same as you and...
In addition to income and property taxes, Americans also pay state and local sales taxes. Sales taxes account for a large share of the levies that Americans pay each year.  To determine the states...
Tax time is upon us, eliciting exasperation and anxiety among taxpayers. As much as people detest paying taxes, they are needed so that governments can fund necessary services. Among the many...