Lastest Stories by Jordan Litchfield

Few foods are as versatile or as universally beloved as the sandwich. Whether it’s a simple school lunch of peanut butter and jelly on white bread or a gut-busting Philly cheesesteak oozing Cheez...
The decision to attend college is not always an easy one. While it could be an incredibly rewarding experience that introduces students to lifelong friends and provides them with education, it can...
Most Americans are aware of the benefits offered by a college education: in addition to some of the more intangible benefits, students obtain the knowledge, develop the skills, and make the...
It’s easy to assume major restaurant chains like Burger King and Applebee’s have existed forever. But every chain started small before growing into the brands we know today. In recent...
When craving coffee, many people have a go-to place, whether it’s brewing at home, grabbing a cup from Starbucks or a gas station, or visiting a local independent shop. The best independent...
Finding (and digging into) regional food specialties around the country is one of the great joys of travel, and among other good things to eat, each state is home to at least one local sandwich...
Americans buy a lot of firearms. The American gun and ammunition market generates more than $70 billion in economic output in the U.S., according to the National Shooting Sports Foundation. The NSSF...
If there’s one food that’s truly universal, it’s the sandwich. Head to just about any small town in America and you’re bound to find a place where you can buy a well-made example. Meat,...
For all the meticulous research and planning that usually goes into making a car purchase, there’s nothing more upsetting or disappointing than buying a lemon. An unreliable car that regularly...