Lastest Stories by Joseph Gedeon

Eclipse-mania is sweeping the United States. From Oregon to South Carolina, 14 states will experience a total solar eclipse on Aug. 21. It will be the first event of its kind in the continental U.S....
When the world’s biggest entertainment and media industry highlights all aspects of American life, the United States naturally becomes the place to visit. Whether global travelers come to shop,...
“What’s in a name?” Shakespeare’s Juliet asked that rhetorical question more than 500 years ago. This question still rings true today in 21st century America. Names tell a story – they can...
Being an elite athlete no longer means you are just a sports icon. While sports figures make a name for themselves on the field, their reach goes even further once they get online. When athletes...
Mankind’s footprint grows larger than ever, with 7.5 billion people on the planet. The population is increasing because of rising birth rates in the developing world, improving health care and a...
The world’s smallest countries and territories by population are also among the most remote. Many are island nations in the South Pacific, the Caribbean, and the Atlantic Ocean. Because many of...
By 2050, 66% of the world’s population will live in urban areas. But what drives someone to leave a rural region to move to the big city? Most people choose to migrate for economic reasons, access...
When it comes to cats, it won’t take you nine lifetimes to see how popular they are in the United States. These typically furry and cuddly animals were considered sacred in ancient Egypt. Today,...
In a year of global protests, economic upheaval, leadership changes, and coups, some of the most dangerous cities of the world somehow got more dangerous. In the United States, there are...
In case you haven’t noticed, Americans love dogs! While recently putting together research for another 24/7 Wall St. story on dog popularity, we learned that 36.5% of Americans were part of a...
Kids and adults alike crave the sweet summertime. School’s out and family activities are in order, with trips to the beach, water parks, the local swimming pool — you name it. But that beautiful...