Lastest Stories by Josie Green

Population growth in the U.S. is starting to recover from historic lows largely related to the COVID-19 pandemic; however, the current growth rate remains lower than any seen during the 20th century....
As the 44th president of the United States, Barack Obama was known as a food enthusiast and adventurous eater. He enjoyed regional American specialties like Philly cheesesteaks (with the traditional...
Long before packaged candy bars became the Halloween treat of choice, people were crafting homemade goodies to celebrate All Hallows’ Eve — i.e., Halloween. Some of the food traditions of the...
Imagine what went through the mind of the first person to gaze upon the Grand Canyon. Many natural wonders existed long before humankind ever laid eyes on them, and many are probably yet to be...
Recovering pirates’ treasure may seem like a fantasy, but there are archaeologists and treasure hunters alike who have made it their life’s mission to locate lost shipwrecks, many of which...
Earlier this year, the Minister of Defense of Denmark announced a proposal to begin conscripting women into the nation’s armed services. The nation currently allows women to serve, but only...
Tamagotchis, POGs, and Furbies are just a few of the short-lived toy fads that have come and gone in the last 30 years. Some toys, however, first targeted at Baby Boomers, had a simplicity and...
Oh, the days when it was socially acceptable to eat pure sugar in ice cold milk for breakfast. For those of us who grew up on breakfast cereal, the nostalgia runs deep for our old favorites,...
Life as we know it was largely shaped by rivers. Many major ancient civilizations formed along river valleys, relying on seasonal floodwaters to irrigate their crops. Without these rivers,...
Nero played the fiddle while Rome burned – or so the story goes. This common belief has its roots in an ancient Roman conspiracy theory. Because Emperor Nero had proposed knocking down part of the...
The history of Mediterranean Europe and the Middle East is one of conquest. Dozens of empires have come and gone, each leaving their mark on the places they’ve conquered. Many cities that still...
Arsenic, cyanide, mercury…what do they have in common? These naturally occurring chemical elements and compounds can all be fatal if ingested in large doses. Chemicals found in certain plants (such...
The F.B.I. estimates that there are anywhere between 25 and 50 serial killers operating in the US at any given time. Because of high profile cases like those of Ted Bundy and Jeffrey Dahmer, serial...