Lastest Stories by Kathryn Koehler

Coming of age in an era of rebellion and change, baby boomers’ wardrobes reflect a sense of non-conformity and originality. Donning denim or diamonds, each ensemble celebrates self-expression,...
Elon Musk is the entrepreneur behind Neuralink, SpaceX, and Tesla (TSLA). With ambition and determination, Musk has revolutionized industries from electric vehicles to space exploration. His...
As you sprint toward retirement, counting down the days is the easiest equation you’ll encounter. The mathematics of determining a retirement date based on financial ability involves intricate...
Perhaps your coffers aren’t as well lined as you’d like, or maybe you have some discretionary income you’d like to invest. The fifth decade of our lives is the final lap in the race to a...
Warren Buffett, the Oracle of Omaha, has built his fortune by investing in undervalued companies with strong foundations and long-term growth potential. He is the chairman and CEO of Berkshire...
Warren Buffett, the folksy investor from Omaha, Nebraska, built his billionaire fortune through his investment company, Berkshire Hathaway, a once struggling textile company that is now a...
Elon Musk is a visionary whose ideas are reshaping the future. From electric vehicles to rockets, Musk’s fearless pursuit of innovation and his ability to challenge the status quo have earned him a...
Elon Musk is a lot of things – a visionary, a leader, an entrepreneur, but a wordsmith he ain’t. Musk does make some good points, don’t get me wrong, but his prose lacks art and finesse. He has...
Of the 10 least popular classic rock artists according to baby boomers: ranked, fully half of them are among this boomer’s favorites. And the other half?  They’re almost certainly on...
As the first generation to grow up with television, baby boomers have a special relationship with media that has sculpted their discerning consumption habits. Raised in the glow of the small screen,...
The most popular golfers often find themselves atop the leaderboards. Their skill and charisma attract audiences of all ages. But as the first television generation, baby boomers had access to...
Preparing your annual tax return can feel like untangling a nest of angry hornets. Adding, then subtracting, number upon number buzzing around in your head, each deduction a potential sting, until...
We’re here at the intersection of popular foods and comfort foods. From nostalgia to availability this intersection highlights baby boomers’ palates as well as their emotional connection to...
It’s never too late (no matter how old you are) to start investing in yourself and your future by building a little nest egg. If your financial situation isn’t what you’d hoped for, that...
At 60, if your finances are in a shambles, take heart. You’re in good company. However, with a few of Dave Ramsey’s tweaks, you can get back on the right track. After experiencing a downturn in...