Lastest Stories by Liz Blossom

Fish can be one of the healthiest foods there is. It’s low in harmful fats (counterintuitively fatty fish are considered a “lean” source of protein) and often high in nutrients, including...
The news is dominated by the day to day combat in Ukraine and the heart wrenching stories of the Ukrainian people. In the news coverage, many scenes are reminiscent of news reels from World War II:...
Bees play a vital role as the world’s primary pollinators, fertilizing plants by transferring pollen between male and female flower parts. This makes them integral to global food supply. While...
The 1950’s saw a new appreciation for food and menu variety, both at home and in everyday, relatively inexpensive restaurants. With women still largely out of the workforce but freed up by modern...
As hazardous smoke from uncontrolled Canadian wildfires drifts south, Americans in affected areas, which is much of the U.S., are advised to stay inside as much as possible. With experts predicting...
The news is dominated by the day to day combat in Ukraine and the heart wrenching stories of the Ukrainian people. In the news coverage, many scenes are reminiscent of news reels from World War II:...
The field of eugenics — a word derived from the Greek for “well-born” or “of good birth” — was introduced in England in 1883 by a polymath named Francis Galton, a half-cousin of...
A critical failure but a popular success, the movie “Top Gun” illustrates what seems to be an undeniable truth, fighter pilots are a separate breed. They are exceedingly driven risk-takers, with...
Women have been innovators throughout history, but their role in the field of invention has been, to a great extent, unacknowledged or uncredited. Often their ideas were claimed by men, frequently...
Climate change is affecting the entire world, but not all countries are affected equally. Each year, Germanwatch, an environmental organization that promotes global sustainability and equity, lists...
With the climate crisis looming larger, it is becoming ever more clear that humanity must radically change its habits to avoid devastating, irreversible consequences. As of March of 2021, 21% of the...
As the industrial revolution took hold, it was becoming apparent to many that the pollution emitted by industry could be damaging not only to human health, but to the built environment as well....
Since the passage of the Clean Air Act in 1970, the quality of the air we breathe has improved dramatically, and cleaner air has meant better health for most Americans. The Clean Air Act requires...
Millions of pounds of toxic materials are released into the nation’s waters every year, legally. Industries that need to dispose of toxic wastewater may do so by obtaining a NPDES –...
In existence for only 21 years, Wikipedia is the world’s most popular internet information source, with 1.8 billion people visiting the site every year. Because its 58+ million articles are written...