Lastest Stories by Liz Blossom

Most people who will never travel to more exotic locations will nonetheless recognize images of Mount Kilimanjaro topped with its legendary snows or the Great Barrier Reef and its rich marine life....
Droughts have come and gone over the course of U.S. history. The worst periods of drought were in the 1950s and 1930s, though the droughts of the Dust Bowl era of the ‘30s remain the most extreme....
The nation’s largest and most historically prominent cities tend to have highly educated sectors among their populations, and within those cities, certain ZIP codes – which generally don’t...
In the worldwide effort to curb climate change, 2021 was an important year. In August, the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change issued its sixth report, with its most urgent plea to...
What is considered “normal” weather is determined by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which, every 10 years, tabulates average weather data for the previous 30 years. What is...
While much of our freshwater resources are polluted, Americans are, for the most part, protected from potential health effects through drinking water standards and restrictions on fishing and...
The 1950’s saw a new appreciation for food and menu variety, both at home and in everyday, relatively inexpensive restaurants. With women still largely out of the workforce but freed up by modern...
Having reached a high in the Roaring ‘20s, where raucous wealth played against extreme poverty, with  large numbers of poor people leaving their agrarian roots for low-paying jobs in the cities,...
In a hurry to get COVID-19 relief funds into the hands of those who needed it, the federal government provided less robust security measures than those applied in usual spending programs, trusting...
Among the wealthiest countries in the world, it is to be expected that the cost of living is expensive, but it is surprising how much the cost of living varies from country to country, and not...
With inflation surging worldwide, the prices of everyday items are soaring, but not at the same level everywhere. It is too early to tell exactly how each nation is dealing with the current price...
The Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program replaced in 1997 the Aid to Families with Dependent Children program as the nation’s core welfare program. At the time, the reason was that...
In these pandemic years, there has been a major upheaval in employment, with employees leaving their jobs in unprecedented numbers, even as the unemployment rate remains extremely low. This also...
There has been a great deal of economic good news for the average American in the past two years, particularly striking in the context of an ongoing pandemic. Unemployment is at its lowest rate since...
Cities are centers for commerce, industry, transportation, and city dwellers benefit from the education, employment, and social/recreational opportunities that an urban lifestyle offers. Cities,...