Lastest Stories by Liz Blossom

The power of the wind has been harnessed for millennia and began to be used for electricity generation in the late 1800s and early 1900s before the advent of rural electrification. The oil shortages...
Though the threat of climate change has been looming for decades, the reality that it does, in fact, represent an existential crisis did not hit home for most people until quite recently. Just in the...
In 2020, more women ran for national office in America than in any other year in history. Most prominently, Kamala Harris became Vice-President. With Nancy Pelosi already having previously broken...
Women have been innovators throughout history, but their role in the field of invention has been, to a great extent, unacknowledged or uncredited. Often their ideas were claimed by men, frequently...
With the climate crisis looming larger, it is becoming ever more clear that humanity must radically change its habits to avoid devastating, irreversible consequences. As of March of 2021, 21% of the...
Climate change is affecting the entire world, but not all countries are affected equally. Each year, Germanwatch, an environmental organization that promotes global sustainability and equity, lists...
As the industrial revolution took hold, it was becoming apparent to many that the pollution emitted by industry could be damaging not only to human health, but to the built environment as well....
Most people who will never travel to more exotic locations will nonetheless recognize images of Mount Kilimanjaro topped with its legendary snows or the Great Barrier Reef and its rich marine life....
In the worldwide effort to curb climate change, 2021 was an important year. In August, the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change issued its sixth report, with its most urgent plea to...
Clean energy is a growth industry, and increasingly so, but the COVID-19 pandemic year of 2020 saw the clean energy workforce shrink by 3.73% from the previous year, according to preliminary data...
The 1950’s saw a new appreciation for food and menu variety, both at home and in everyday, relatively inexpensive restaurants. With women still largely out of the workforce but freed up by modern...
Temperature is the primary measure of climate change, usually described as the warming of the planet as average temperatures trend higher. Not just average high temperatures are trending higher but...
Glaciers, rivers of ice, thousands of years old, that move slowly through mountain ranges, fueled by gravity and their own weight and dynamics, are found on every continent except Australia. Formed...
Unusual weather and temperatures, especially heat, are key indicators of climate change. Climate change’s effects on the natural world and the human environment are most consequential to life on...
Most people spend 90% of their time indoors, where air quality is likely to be much more problematic than it is outdoors. Pollutants from consumer products; toxic byproducts of burning wood, oil, and...