Lastest Stories by Liz Blossom

The 2016 movie “Hidden Figures,” which was certainly about racism, was also about the treatment of women in fields that men have dominated throughout history, particularly science, math, and...
Being environmentally conscious is not all about plastic bags; it’s about making everyday choices that will — quite literally — determine our success or failure as a species. We can be more...
The 2016 movie “Hidden Figures,” which was certainly about racism, was also about the treatment of women in fields that men have dominated throughout history, particularly science, math, and...
Climate change is already transforming crop production worldwide, and studies indicate that predicted changes in climate will have a severe impact on crop yields and food security in the future. As...
Winter brings a number of seasonal health risks, mainly related to the physical challenges of ice, snow, and cold. A range of health conditions exist year round but are heightened in the colder...
For the past 14 years, Germanwatch, an independent development and environmental organization that advocates for sustainable development, has ranked countries by their exposure and vulnerability to...
Most Americans live in a car-centric world, depending on automobiles for sometimes lengthy commutes to work, shopping and entertainment, social interaction, and family vacations. As noisy as it is,...
Industrial agriculture grew out of policies of the 1970s meant to increase farm productivity. At the time, the Soviet Union’s crops were failing and global demand for grain was rising. The Nixon...
In 2007, the United States was presented with a frightening fact: managed honey bee populations were dying off at an alarming rate, raising the specter of a future compromised by crop failures and...
Animal pollinators – bees, wasps, beetles, ants butterflies, birds, and others – perform the essential task of fertilizing plants. Without them, many plant species would decline or disappear,...
Bees are the world’s most important pollinators, and, therefore, critical to the world’s food supply. In their collection of pollen and nectar for food supplies, they move pollen from male flower...
Many people just want to relax or be entertained on their hard-earned vacation, while others want to explore the world and its treasures, or set out on a true adventure. With the many pluses that a...
Naming a child is one of the first big responsibilities parents-to-be have, and most try really hard to rise to the occasion. Some are lucky to know exactly what they want to name their baby. Others...
Many parents take the task of naming their children very seriously. The fact that the boy or girl will live with that name for at least 18 years can be overwhelming. What if they don’t like it? So...