Lastest Stories by Melly Alazraki

Are we all going to be replaced by machines? No doubt, more and more of our jobs are being performed by machines as artificial intelligence and automation are taking up increasing shares of certain...
If we’d known ahead of time whether a car we buy would end up in the shop often, we wouldn’t buy it. While clairvoyance is outside of our scope, Consumer Reports, using data from a member survey,...
What’s the best weather? Well, that’s debatable, obviously. Some prefer somewhat cooler temperatures, while others love the heat. There are those who prefer drier climates, while others thrive...
Generally, households headed by 65 years and older people — most of whom are retirees — have lower incomes than households headed by younger workers. For example, the median income of 65+...
Like most other military branches, the U.S. Navy aims to attract recruits by offering a sea of career options accompanied by attractive pay. From a nuclear reactor mechanic as Machinist’s Mate...
Nearly half of the over 31,000 cities in the United States will face some sort of population decline by the end of the century, according to a recently published study in Nature. An estimated 12% to...
Having experience — at any job — is valuable and often compensated accordingly, especially if the occupation is highly skilled. Who wouldn’t prefer a surgeon with a few years of experience...
These days, you can become eligible for partial Social Security retirement benefits at age 62 and reach full retirement age for 100% benefits at 66 to 67 years old, depending on the year you were...
Buying a new car is so exciting, yet sometimes a pushy salesperson can take all the fun out of it. No doubt, a salesperson’s job is to sell, but some sales tactics are just … well, too much....
When it comes to military spending, the United States has by far the largest budget, overtaking the next nine countries combined. The U.S. is also, by far, the world’s largest arms exporter,...
Even as the U.S. Army, Navy, and Air Force fell short of their recruitment goals in 2023, the Marine Corps exceeded it, albeit just slightly. The military services collectively missed recruiting...
In a tight presidential election race, every vote counts, yet the gap in voter turnout between Black and white Americans has been growing consistently over the past decade, reversing a decades-long...
Making a million bucks a year sounds great … but also maybe slightly out of reach. Well, apparently, the number of households with a combined annual income greater than $1 million increased since...
The FBI conducted over 2.2 million firearm background checks in April alone. While background checks do not correspond one to one with gun sales, they remain the best proxy of gun sales, and if...
It is no secret that some states have a much friendlier tax climate than others. Several states levy no income tax, for example, and manage to attract Americans who prefer to pay less in taxes (you...