Lastest Stories by Philip Elmer-DeWitt

From a note to clients snagged by Smarter Analyst: Nomura analyst Jeff Kvaal maintained a Hold rating on Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL) today and set a price…
From a note to clients by analyst Louis Miscioscia summarized Friday by TheFly.
I just checked with the bank.
My Apple price-target spreadsheet—as accurate and up-to-date as I can make it.
This Apple special event could be a big one.
9to5Mac, where Mark Gurman cut his reportorial teeth, has a pretty good track record on leaks like this.
Looking for reasons? That way lies madness.
The social media money had to go somewhere.
Gearing up for the next big thing.
In a post to Above Avalon subscribers Wednesday, Neil Cybart showed his math. After doing the hard work of estimating the size of Apple’s installed base…
That's up from 25% in June 2017.
The talking heads said Apple was ready to take a breather. Apple did not oblige. 
This excerpt rings true to me. I don't know why Jobs' widow and sister felt obliged to push back. 
Something's got to give.
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