Lastest Stories by Sam Gupton

In some cities, apartments with pools and gyms are considered a luxury, while in others, fitness amenities are basically considered a nonnegotiable part of apartment living. To determine the cities...
“The Twilight Zone” brought TV audiences sci-fi, horror, fantasy, absurdism, and beyond, creating stories that excited, scared, and challenged viewers. Premiering in 1959, the series became known...
Commuting is never fun, and a tedious drive can be made far worse by an accident. In some cities almost everyone drives to work, and all that commuting comes with accidents — and even the most...
Despite sometimes giving out warning signs, volcanic eruptions are unpredictable. Even relatively less explosive ones can cause significant damage and fatalities, like the Nevado del Ruiz eruption in...
Confucius is said to have advised “Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.” Getting even may seem irresistible to the wronged, but efforts for getting back at malefactors...
Suburbs became popular in the United States after World War II, when returning veterans, offered low-interest loans and favorable pricing, looked outside the big cities to escape the pollution,...
Suburbs, residential areas detached but linked to nearby cities, have grown over the past century to represent family living for much of the population in the United States. Americans often choose...
J.K. Rowling unleashed a sensation when she published the first book in the Harry Potter series in 1997. Four years later, the young wizard’s adventures made it to the big screen and became a...
The police procedural and legal drama “Law & Order” premiered in 1990, launching an entire franchise of crime dramas. Created by Diсk Wolf, the series evolved into one of the most enduring...
“The Big Bang Theory” ran for 12 seasons on CBS, starting in 2007 as just another major network comedy and rising to become one of the most popular sitcoms in television history. The show...
G-rated movies are generally directed at younger audiences, and with the right advertising, kids can be persuaded into watching just about anything. This can lead to some pretty bad movies that do...
Volcanoes are responsible for some of the most devastating and dramatic natural disasters in history. Massive eruptions have created explosions more powerful than nuclear bombs and scattered ash...
The first motion picture was shot in 1878 and was only a few frames long. What started out as novelty has risen to one of the most important art forms in the modern world. The best films are as much...
On the surface, action movies are all about the adrenaline pumping fights, explosive shootouts, unkillable warriors and hopeless causes, with a little romance and comedy sprinkled in. Some follow...
Romance is one of the most common plot lines in movies. In some films the central narrative revolves around a complicated relationship between two characters. In others it’s a side plot where the...