Lastest Stories by Sam Gupton

Spider-Man was created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko and first appeared in Marvel comics in the 1960s. He was one of the first teenage heroes to have a leading role in comics and quickly became a big...
The U.S. Constitution grants the president the power to pardon any individual who has committed a federal crime and set aside his or her punishment. A pardon is one form of the president’s clemency...
Every month Amazon Prime adds movies to its lineup and takes other movies off. As usual with this high-profile streaming service, each month’s offerings include something for every taste and age...
In 1937, The Walt Disney Company pushed the boundaries of animation by releasing the first full-length animated film, “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,” to critical and commercial success. Since...
Cars are often considered poor investments and supposedly start losing value the moment they roll off the lot. However, the pandemic has reshaped the used car market, like just about everything else....
Country music arose from a combination of American folk music, blues, cowboy western, and a variety of Southern church music in the early 1900s. By the 1940s, it was an established genre and has...
In some cities, apartments with pools and gyms are considered a luxury, while in others, fitness amenities are basically considered a nonnegotiable part of apartment living. To determine the cities...
Rap originated in the Bronx in the 1970s and has grown into one of the most popular musical forms in the world. In 2017, R&B/Hip-Hop became the most listened to genre according to Nielsen Music....
Musicals are almost as old as civilization. The Greeks may have created them, and they were certainly part of Roman culture. Some experts believe “The Beggar’s Opera,” first performed in London...
The president of the United States certainly has a lot on his shoulders. If you compare pictures from when they begin the job and when they leave office they look like they’ve aged decades in only...
The Western genre is often celebrated for landmark cinema classics like “The Good, the Bad and The Ugly” and “Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.” But not all movies, of course, are good...
STEM — science, technology, engineering, and mathematics — occupations and business careers dominate the highest paid jobs in the Sacramento, California, metro area. This isn’t rare as the...
As civilizations have evolved over the years, so have the jobs that cater to our wants and needs. Innovations have made some lines of work obsolete while also creating new ones. Some now-vanished...
Sometimes entire decades of a sport are dominated by a few franchises. Sooner or later every team will go on winning a streak, right? Right?  To determine the NFL teams with the most consecutive...
Not even museum tickets are safe from inflation. Around the country, many museums have increased their cost of entry.  These exhibits of art, culture, history, and knowledge operate using a...