Lastest Stories by Sam Gupton

We’re in a golden age of TV series, and there’s a little something for everyone. The best shows span just about every genre imaginable. There are crime thrillers, sci-fi and fantasy epics,...
The effects of climate change are already upon us. Much of the globe is experiencing abnormal temperatures and anomalous weather patterns. The Pacific Northwest saw an intense summer heat dome in a...
We appear to be in a golden age for series television — even if the majority of the most critically acclaimed shows aren’t on conventional TV at all, but are offered by streaming services that...
The U.S. Department of Defense is the largest employer in the world, with some 3.2 million people on its books — more than 1.4 million of them on active military duty. (These are the states where...
Confucius is said to have advised “Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.” Getting even may seem irresistible to the wronged, but efforts for getting back at malefactors...
Country music is rooted in a variety of musical traditions, including American and British folk, jazz, blues and rhythm and blues, cowboy song, Appalachian string bands, and Southern church music. It...
The president of the United States certainly has a lot on his shoulders. If you compare pictures from when they begin the job and when they leave office they look like they’ve aged decades in only...
Country music arose from a combination of American folk music, blues, cowboy western, and a variety of Southern church music in the early 1900s. By the 1940s, it was an established genre and has...
Milkshakes became a popular treat in the United States around the beginning of the 20th century and evolved into a staple of ice cream shops, diners, and drive-ins across the country. The combination...
The average total cost of a four-year college education at a public institution in America (including tuition, fees, books, supplies, and room and board), according to the Education Data Initiative,...
Higher education is expensive in America. According to the Education Data Initiative, the total average cost of four years at a public U.S. college or university — including tuition and fees, books...
Earning a bachelor’s degree is a pricey proposition. Figuring in not just tuition and college fees but also the cost of books, supplies, and room and board, the Education Data Initiative has...
It’s no surprise to anyone applying for student loans or scholarships — or saddled with seemingly insurmountable debt for a college education already completed — that obtaining a bachelor’s...
STEM — science, technology, engineering, and mathematics — occupations and business careers dominate the highest paid jobs in the Sacramento, California, metro area. This isn’t rare as the...