Lastest Stories by Sarah Burns

We all make spelling mistakes from time to time — in fact, “misspelled” is itself often misspelled as “mispelled.” It’s easy to get many words wrong, particularly homophones....
America is a continent-sized country of extraordinary natural diversity. While the bald eagle is the national bird and the North American bison the national mammal, each state has chosen different...
The 95th Academy Awards ceremony will take place on Sunday, March 12. It’s an event designed to produce striking images, with lots of stylishly dressed beautiful people strutting their stuff. ...
The United States has had a former actor, Ronald Reagan, and a former reality TV host, Donald Trump, as president. A lot of great actors have also played fictional presidents in films and on TV. In...
“What’s in a name?” asked Juliet rhetorically in Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet. “That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” She had a point – though...
Amusement parks are an American institution, with some dating back as far as the 19th century. Of course they have changed dramatically since then. Themes have expanded to include entertainment...
A visit to an amusement park can make for an expensive day out – a very expensive day out if you’re paying for a whole family, and particularly if you’re vacationing in Florida.   To...
Access to park space is an important amenity for city dwellers, especially in the COVID era when many people want outdoor recreation. However, some cities do a much worse job than others at providing...
Cats are the second most popular pets in America after dogs, according to the American Veterinary Medical Association. More than 30 million households have at least one. (These are the states with...
“Music hath charms to soothe the savage breast. To soften rocks, or bend the knotted oak.” It’s an old saying (sometimes attributed to William Shakespeare but actually written by...
Guard dogs should be strong and fierce enough to be able to deter intruders or other potential sources of trouble. Watchdogs, on the other hand, have one job: to raise the alert when they detect...
Nobody wants to be the victim of a crime. More particularly, nobody wants to be the victim of a crime in their home, the place where they want to feel safe and secure whatever is going on in the...
The terms “watchdog” and “guard dog” are sometimes used interchangeably, but they denote different functions. Watch dogs have one job: to raise the alert when they detect something unusual,...
Two of the most popular forms of entertainment are music and movies and the two are combined in the music biopic.  The earliest example of the genre – sort of – is a short released by...