Lastest Stories by Sarah Burns

Everybody loves a hero, but we seem to have a healthy appetite for antiheroes, too. Some of the most popular TV shows ever have been about characters who weren’t just flawed but were downright bad....
Obedience is a very desirable trait in a pet dog and an absolute necessity in a working dog. The American Kennel Club recommends that every dog owner consider some form of obedience training for...
It might seem surprising that some of our favorite characters are robots — by definition they’re not human. However, robots are literally what we make of them, and that’s all the more true...
It has been said that volunteering is essential for a healthy civil society and that it plays a larger part in American life than in many other countries. There’s more to volunteering than...
The United States is a continent-sized country with huge geographic, socioeconomic, and demographic diversity. One demographic measure that varies significantly from state to state is average family...
Americans love movies. That’s a blunt statement but it’s true. Movies are part of American culture, whether the ones shown in the art houses of New York or Los Angeles or the summer blockbusters...
Museums are places where you expect to find the best art and artifacts in the most aesthetically designed and beautifully illuminated rooms – and therefore some of the best photo...
There’s nothing wrong with crying — it can be an important safety valve for stress and emotional pain. In fact, bottling up your feelings can be bad for your health. There’s a whole genre...
Globalization and the offshoring of manufacturing can be sensitive topics. In the last 50 years, the United States has lost millions of industrial jobs, leading to heated debates about economic...
Dollar stores have been proliferating across the country in recent years, particularly in low-income and rural areas. Some people welcome the trend as they often open in under-served areas. Others...
The percentage of American adults with a college degree has continued to increase in recent years, growing from less than 10% in much of the 1960s to 33.1% in 2019. Americans with college degrees not...
We all make spelling mistakes from time to time — in fact, “misspelled” is itself often misspelled as “mispelled.” It’s easy to get many words wrong, particularly homophones....
Summer is unofficially bookended by Memorial Day and Labor Day, days when radio stations around the country air playlists of top songs by genre and decade. 24/7 Tempo is celebrating the summer season...
Movies are not only one of the most beloved forms of entertainment but also have become a major cultural reference point for people across the globe. Birthdays are personal reference points, of...