Lastest Stories by Thomas C. Frohlich

Effectively budgeting one’s earnings and expenses is not alway easy, and the difference between saving and just scraping by depends on the cost of living in an area. Households earning the same...
Relatively few civilizations are the original residents of the regions they inhabit — the result of colonization and struggles over land and resources. The world’s indigenous peoples are either...
The subprime mortgage crisis is history for most Americans, and in its wake federal regulators have implemented rules to try and avoid a repeat of the housing meltdown. Since then, both the economy...
Californians are likely proud of Hollywood, but probably not that proud of the air pollution problems some of their cities face. Idahoans no doubt are proud of their potato production, but also...
High school graduates pursuing a college education have a glut of options when it comes to choosing a university. Prospective students consider the cost of tuition, school reputation, the scholarship...
The average American worker earns just under $50,000 annually. While relatively few families, and even fewer individuals, earn over $100,000 a year, Americans employed in some professions are far...
In a nation divided over so many issues, the presence of so-called sanctuaries is one of the most contentious. The issue revolves around undocumented immigrants and the role that federal, county,...
From Europeans heading west in the 19th century to immigrants searching for a fresh start, leaving home in pursuit of opportunity has long been a central part of the American dream. Today, cities and...
America is hooked on pain-relieving opioids. In 2015, more than 33,000 Americans died as a result of an opioid overdose, including prescription opioids, heroin, and illicitly manufactured fentanyl, a...
With student debt levels at record highs, the pressure on college graduates to quickly get a decent paying job is higher than ever. The typical student debt among Americans with a bachelor’s degree...
Charitable giving by individuals rose to nearly $400 billion in 2016, a record high according to philanthropy research organization Giving USA. Such donations help more than 1.5 million nonprofit...
President Donald Trump’s successful campaign and election win unleashed a level of hatred not seen in the United States in decades. According to the latest annual intelligence report from civil...
Just 11.2% of Americans moved in the past year — an all-time low. This is mostly due to low migration levels among millennials, who are far less likely to migrate than older generations. Still, the...