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Why You Can’t Afford to Wait

businessman holding coins putting in glass. concept saving money for finance accounting
lovelyday12 /

If your money is just sitting in a checking account, it’s time to rethink your strategy. Inflation is a silent killer of savings, and the longer you wait, the more purchasing power you lose. Moving your money to a high-yield savings account only takes a few minutes, but the long-term impact on your financial health can be profound.

Think about it this way: Let’s say you have $10,000 sitting in a checking account earning no interest. After a year, you’re no better off than when you started—while inflation continues to chip away at your money’s value. But move that same $10,000 to a high-yield savings account at 5% APY, and you’ll earn $500 in interest over the course of a year. That’s $500 you didn’t have to lift a finger to make!