Commodities & Metals

Commodities & Metals Articles

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) now estimates that the U.S. corn crop will fall by another 100 million bushels below the estimate provided just a month ago, to 10.7 billion bushels, the...
If you were just focused on the poor earnings report from Titan Machinery, Inc. (NASDAQ: TITN) in agricultural equipment sales this week, the report may be a one-off item.  Still, the news was bad...
If you were told that gold miners were highly dependent on gold prices, you would probably respond immediately with a phrase that starts with “No” and ends with “Sherlock.” This is the case...
Farm equipment and machinery retailer Titan Machinery Inc. (NASDAQ: TITN) this morning reported second-quarter earnings per share (EPS) of $0.25 on revenue of $410 million before markets opened. In...
Commodities trading giant Glencore International has presented its final offer for mining giant Xstrata and it is substantially the same as the preliminary offer Glencore made on Friday, just before...
Quantitative easing is back on the table and back in traders’ pockets.  Forget about what Ben Bernanke said at Jackson Hole about vigilance.  This is after Mario Draghi’s bond buying news this...
Literally minutes before shareholders of mining company Xstrata were set to vote on the offer from Glencore International, the vote was postponed and the commodities trading giant raised its offer...
The U.S. Department of Agriculture today released its annual report on household food security in the United States in 2011. The study found that 14.9% of American households “had difficulty at...
Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty ImagesStocks are up Wednesday, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average up 0.26%, the Nasdaq up 0.11% and the S&P 500 up 0.10%. Today’s only winner is a struggling...
Three U.N. agencies — the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the World Food Programme (WFP) — called for...
A new report from the World Bank states what has been obvious for months: food prices have spiked so high that the costs represent a threat to the ability of many people to feed themselves. The...
Higher commodities prices and payments to farmers who purchased crop insurance have led the U.S. Department of Agriculture to conclude that total farm profits will rise this year to $122.2 billion,...
When the proposed $90 billion merger between Glencore International and Xstrata was first announced, the seeds of its failure were first planted. Glencore already owned 34% of Xstrata and could not...
The recession did something interesting to platinum.  It took away much of its relevance, and the rising gold prices helped to take away platinum’s historic premium. Due to major labor strike with...
U.S. rare earth minerals miner Molycorp Inc. (NYSE: MCP) announced after markets closed today that it had begun production at its Project Phoenix concentrate facilities in Mountain Pass, California....