Companies and Brands

Donald Trump Is 'Most Powerful Brand in the World

Trump official portrait
Source: Wikimedia Commons
There are a number of brand valuation companies, each of which has its own elaborate set of formulas to determine its figures. Among theses is Brand Keys, which recently stated Donald Trump is ‘the most powerful brand in the world.”

Robert Passikoff, Brand Keys president, said:

For 25 years Donald Trump has been one of the most powerful brands we’ve tracked. You could add his name to anything and the increased perceived value of the products increases upwards of 30 percent. As a reference point, on average the most celebrated celebrities generally add 12-15 percent additional value to products or services they endorse or to which they lend their names.

Added-value related to the Trump brand  how much more a product or service is seen to meet consumer expectations and to be worth more monetarily took a hit when the Access Hollywood tape was released, but has rebounded with his election and is up significantly in three categories that President Trump is most closely identified with: TV/Entertainment, Country/Golf Clubs and Real Estate/ Hotels.

One of the concrete examples Brand Keys gives is that a luxury condominium which can charge $1,000 per square foot under “normal” circumstances, can charge $1,450 when the owner uses the Trump name.

Methodology: One thousand two hundred (1,200) Republicans, Democrats and Independents, drawn from the nine U.S. Census Regions, participated in a national study conducted by Brand Keys ( the week of February 20th. The survey examined seven categories in which Brand Keys has traditionally tracked the Trump brand.

For some reason, the approach seems very thin. However, Trump studies may be a good way for Brand Keys to build its own brand. Like most brand management firms, Brand Keys charges for its “brand building” services.

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