Companies and Brands

This Is America's Favorite Brand

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There are a number of brand rankings. Most rely on some level of financial calculations to determine what a brand is worth to its parent company. BrandZ has a ranking of global brands that goes back several years. The 2021 Kantar BrandZ Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands shows the total value of the brands on its list at $7 trillion. Another company, Interbrand, has had its own global brands list for two decades. The brands on its list are worth an aggregate of $2 trillion. No one seems to have a reason for the huge difference.
Yet another research firm, Brand Keys, has what it calls the Customer Loyalty Leaders list. Its list is “100% consumer-driven, measuring the emotional and rational aspects of each consumer’s decision process in the moment.” The universe covered is 1,260 brands across 112 industry categories. Describing the list, Robert Passikoff, Brand Keys founder and president, commented:

The 2021 loyalty rankings describe a desperate desire by consumers for a return to normalcy. Over the past year loyalty has experienced a COVID-induced medical and marketplace trial-by-fire, the toughest test of customer loyalty we’ve measured in nearly 40 years conducting loyalty research.

The data was collected in August and September. Brand Keys made a point of stating that the selections were not made based on brand financials, which makes it different for other leading lists.

Despite the differences in methodology, the brands at the top of the Brand Key list are also the top brands yielded by other types of analysis. The leader is Amazon, followed by Apple. Also in the top 10 are Netflix, Disney+, Nike and Google. Some companies appear twice based on what products they sell. Apple’s rank in second place is based on its smartphones. It also ranks in 15th place for its tablets. Amazon also appears twice, based on its online retail business in one case and its video streaming business in another.

According to Brand Keys, these are America’s 20 favorite brands:

  • Amazon (online retail)
  • Apple (smartphones)
  • Netflix (video streaming)
  • Domino’s (pizza)
  • Amazon (video streaming)
  • Disney+ (video streaming)
  • Google (search engines)
  • WhatsApp (instant messaging)
  • Instagram (social networking)
  • Nike (athletic footwear)
  • Home Depot (home improvement retail)
  • Discover (credit cards)
  • PayPal (online payments)
  • Samsung (smartphones)
  • Apple (tablets)
  • YouTube (social networking)
  • Hyundai (automotive)
  • Hulu (video streaming)
  • UPS (delivery)
  • Trader Joe’s (natural food retail)

Click here to see the world’s most valuable brands.

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