Companies and Brands

This Is the Brand People Identify With the Most

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Many brand studies are done by large research firms each year. Most focus on brand value. The ones most often cited are from BrandZ and Forbes. Each is based on a complex formula that relies primarily on financial data. Last year, Forbes valued Apple in first place with a brand value of $241 billion. BrandZ said the total value of its Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands was $7 trillion.

There are other ways to measure brands. Among them are brand loyalty and brand reputation. As is true with the financial approach to brands, most studies have complex methodologies.

Recently, Best SEO Companies released a study titled “Representation and Diversity in Branding Across Industries.”

The study looked at both industries and individual brands, and it looked at how diverse populations viewed brands. Among the groups it reviewed were gender, age, race, people with disabilities and the LGBTQ+ community. In total, 1,000 people were surveyed to “gain insight into the impact representation in branding has on the consumer.” Ultimately, the goal was to look at purchase behavior.

One way the data were organized was by brand industries: athletic, beauty and skin, automotive, clothing, home goods, and technology. These were then matched to demographics, which included gender, race and age.

The primary list created was “Which Brands Do Consumers Identify With the Most?”

The answer was Amazon at 57.8%, followed by Adidas at 55.1%. The results are unusual. Most of the news about Amazon recently revolves around its poor treatment of workers, particularly those who are paid low wages. Adidas, on the other hand, is a very small athletic brand in the United States with sales well short of Nike or Under Armour.

These are the 15 brands people identify with the most:

  • Amazon (57.8%)
  • Adidas (55.1%)
  • Nike (41.9%)
  • Target (37.1%)
  • Apple (35.5%)
  • Home Depot (34.9%)
  • Google (29.6%)
  • Toyota (29.4%)
  • Old Navy (28.6%)
  • Lowe’s (27.2%)
  • Dove (26.0%)
  • IKEA (25.4%)
  • BMW (24/9%)
  • Honda (24.1%)
  • Audi (23.3%)

Click here to read about the world’s most valuable brands.

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