Consumer Electronics

Can Apple Sell 200 Million iPhone 15s?

Apple Inc.

Educated experts estimate that Apple has sold 1.9 billion iPhones. One billion of those are still in circulation. Since 2015, iPhone sales have averaged just over 200 million a year. As the iPhone 15 is launched within the next two months, Apple faces the question of momentum. Can it sell 200 million of this generation between September of this year and August of 2024? (These iconic gadgets have shaped our lives since the 1950s.)
Rumor has it that the border size around the display will be smaller, according to Bloomberg. It will have a better camera, an upgrade for almost each generation of the smartphone.

For many users, the benefit is the improved camera. Ironically, most people do not know how to use all its features. The company enhances the brand without “upgrading” it for the typical customer.

No matter how useful, upgraded features have been the hallmark of new iPhones. The public anticipates the changes, and it gets them. Once they own the phones, most people forget why they upgraded from the last model.

Apple has mastered one of the key aspects of extremely valuable brands. It launches new features with a great deal of fanfare. However, the features are a ruse. Among the masters of this technique are car companies, which have been doing it for decades. The personal computer industry has sold its wares because they have more powerful chips. In reality, almost no one can tell the difference.

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