
Energy Articles

If you’re concerned about the health of the world around us, you’ve probably already adopted certain measures to help minimize your negative impact on the environment — turning off unneeded...
Oil and gasoline prices are both on the rise.
The Biden administration on Wednesday canceled remaining leases to drill for oil and gas in the Alaska National Petroleum Reserve. The move comes just six months after approving a new drilling...
Congressional Republicans and Democrats have introduced legislation in both houses of Congres to sell a million-barrel gasoline reserve in the Northeast. Oil's days as the leading transport fuel are...
The number of states with gasoline above $4 per gallon is increasing.
Global investment in renewable energy projects rose 22% year over year in the first six months of this year. Here's what people are saying to try to either slow or stop the investment.
Young people in Montana won a lawsit against state laws that violated their right under the state's constitution to a healthy environment.
Crude prices are setting up to rise and people will continue to waste gobs of money on inefficient gasoline-powered cars.
Gasoline prices are extraordinarily high in California.
The world appeared ready to dodge a recession triggered by inflation. A sharp rise in oil prices could change that.
The Department of Energy has canceled the proposed purchase of 3 million barrels of crude oil to add to the Strategic Petroleum Reserve because the price was too high or the sale failed to meet other...
As the Federal Reserve prepares to increase rates for the seventh time this year, it becomes crucial to cut costs wherever possible.
California drivers are consuming less gasoline, and there is a lesson there for policymakers who are serious about reducing carbon emissions.
Gasoline prices have fallen sharply since summer, and the price has dropped below $3 a gallon in several states.
In June, as oil prices increased above $100 a barrel, the price of the average gallon of regular gas nationwide surged to over $5. It was the first time in history, gas passed that $5 barrier. The...