
Why You Should Flee Missouri As Soon As Possible

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A recent study published on MSN.com showed that Missouri is the worst state to live in. Crime rates and educational attainment were among the reasons. However, the list does not end there.

A recent study by US News put Missouri as the 30th best state to live in. However, its scores on some measures were much worse. This was topped by crime in 44th place and healthcare at 39.

The Common Wealth Foundation ranked Missouri’s healthcare as 38th, which is where Becker’s puts it.

Missouri ranks seventh among states for violent crime based on FBI statistics. USA Today ranks it 8th from the bottom based on a similar measure.

Missouri is among the states with the lowest incomes. Based on The World Population Review, it ranks 11th from the bottom among all states at $61,847. Maryland tops the list at $90.203. ‘

According to Smart Asset, Missouri ranks in 35th place based on infrastructure quality.

There are several “worst states to live in” ratings. Among the most widely followed is CNBC’s. It puts Missouri at 6th from the bottom. Its weaknesses were “Voting Rights, Reproductive Rights, Crime.”

Several states tend to get good grades across most of the “best states to live.” Missouri residents ought to consider these.

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