
Flee Detroit While You Still Can

Michigan | Detroit Aerial Panorama
pawel.gaul / E+ via Getty Images

There was once a time when Detroit was arguably the second most vibrant city in the United States behind New York City. The automotive industry was booming. Trade with Canadian neighbors was at an all-time high. However, by the 1950s, the population was at 1.8 million. It started to slowly decline as foreign automotive brands popped onto the scene, giving people more options for cars to buy. By the 2000s, the population was under 1 million people. In 2023, there are only 620,000 people left in Detroit. Lots of people, especially in the Midwest, don’t like to leave their homes. It’s hard to do since most people still have all their family around. If you live in Detroit, it might be time to consider getting out as quickly as you can. Here’s why.

The Schools Aren’t Great

Source: TennesseePhotographer / iStock Editorial via Getty Images
Detroit public schools are ranked as one of the worst in the entire nation.

When picking a place to live, one of the most important things you can do is choose a place that has great schools. This will help you set your kids up for their future, should you decide to have them. Detroit public schools are ranked as one of the worst in the entire nation. Unfortunately, the private schools in the area are also some of the most expensive, if you want to look at them as a different option to go to. Getting a quality education is one of the best ways to grow and expand in life. Giving your child access to one of the best is a great way to show them you love them. It’s not possible to do this while living in Detroit.

The Weather Is Awful

You aren’t able to easily leave your house unless you want to be bundled up or covered in sweat.

Part of the human experience is getting to be outside and enjoying all of the perks of this beautiful world. If you live in Detroit, the summers are going to be muggy and humid. The winters are brutally cold, making you feel trapped inside. You aren’t able to easily leave your house unless you want to be bundled up or covered in sweat. There are plenty of places all around the country, and even the world if you’re feeling up to it, that have much better weather to be outside in. You’d be surprised how much your mood, confidence, and happiness shoot through the roof once you’re in better weather.

There’s Tons of Crime

Source: tillsonburg / E+ via Getty Images
You can count on an average of almost one murder per day if you live in Detroit.

Detroit is known for being one of the most dangerous places to live in the United States. You can count on an average of almost one murder per day if you live in Detroit. This is startling, considering what it means to murder someone. The unemployment rate in Detroit is also very high, meaning robberies are one of the most common things to occur. If you live in Detroit, you’re just setting yourself up to live in a scenario where you always are double-checking your doors. This isn’t a normal thing that anyone should have to ever worry about. Detroit has a lot to do in terms of fixing the crime that’s taking place day in and day out. People haven’t learned that it’s not okay to do, so the government needs to step in.

The Unemployment Rate is High

Source: General Photographic Agency / Hulton Archive via Getty Images
The unemployment rate here is 9.4%, leading people to do desperate things, as previously mentioned.

One of the major industries that’s in Detroit is the automotive industry. Sadly, this has been declining ever since the 1950s in the United States. American auto companies have been manufacturing overseas because of how much cheaper labor is. Without this, there aren’t as many opportunities for jobs in Detroit. The unemployment rate here is 9.4%, leading people to do desperate things, as previously mentioned. If you’re someone who wants an opportunity to move up in a company or start your own, Detroit is one of the worst places in the United States to do it.

Tons of People are Already Leaving

Source: Pawel Gaul / iStock via Getty Images
It’s smart to look at everyone else and consider why they’re not coming back.

Another thing that’s been talked about is how much the population has declined. In just 70 years, which isn’t that long, more than one million people have left Detroit behind for something new. It’s telling that these people haven’t come back yet after leaving. They have left and found somewhere far better to live. It’s common sense to follow the trend of what’s going on. Even though you might feel like you’re defying what’s going on, there’s a reason why everyone is leaving. It’s smart to look at everyone else and consider why they’re not coming back. Detroit was once known as one of the nicest cities in the world. Tons of wealthy people resided here. These days, it’s only a shell of its former self, sadly. If you’re still in Detroit, it’s time to consider trying someone else as soon as you can.

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