July 19, 2016: Markets opened mixed on Tuesday with the blue chips opening lower before bouncing higher. Unlike the S&P 500 Index and the Nasdaq Composite, which never traded higher at any moment in Tuesday’s session, the DJIA traded (barely) in the green most of the day. The dollar traded higher against the euro and the British pound and lower against the Japanese yen. WTI crude oil for August delivery settled at $44.65 a barrel, down 1.3% for the day. August gold added 0.2% on the day to settle at $1,332.30. Equities were headed for a mixed close shortly before the bell as the DJIA traded up 0.10% for the day, the S&P 500 traded down 0.20%, and the Nasdaq Composite traded down 0.41%.
The DJIA stock posting the largest daily percentage gain ahead of the close Tuesday was McDonald’s Corp. (NYSE: MCD) which traded up 2.22% at $126.57. The stock’s 52-week range is $87.50 to $131.96. Volume was 20% below the daily average of around 5.4 million shares. The fast-food giant announced a partnership with Nintendo that will launch Pokemon Go in Japan.
Johnson & Johnson (NYSE: JNJ) traded up 1.71% at $125.25. The stock’s 52-week range is $81.79 to $125.75, and the high was posted this morning. Volume was about 25% above the daily average of around 7.1 million shares. The company beat estimates when it reported second-quarter results this morning.
UnitedHealth Group Inc. (NYSE: UNH) traded up 1.29% at $142.56. The stock’s 52-week range is $95.00 to $142.96. Trading volume was about 30% above the daily average of around 3.3 million. The insurance giant boosted profits in the second quarter.
The Boeing Co. (NYSE: BA) traded up 0.95% at $134.70. The stock’s 52-week range is $102.10 to $150.59. Trading volume was about 40% below the daily average of nearly 4.3 million shares. The company’s new Air Force tanker passed its final flight test last week.
Of the 30 Dow index stocks 12 are on track to close higher Tuesday and 19 are set to close lower.
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