January 6, 2017: Markets opened mixed Friday but a solid report on non-farm payrolls eventually helped buyers gain some traction. The telecom sector was the day’s worst performer while tech stocks and industrials were the best performers. WTI crude oil for February delivery settled at $53.99 a barrel, up about 0.4% on the day and up about 0.5% for the week. February gold dropped 0.7% on the day to settle at $1,173.40. The yellow metal posted a gain of 1.8% for the week. Equities were headed for a higher close shortly before the bell as the DJIA traded up 0.46% for the day, the S&P 500 traded up 0.50%, and the Nasdaq Composite traded up 0.73%.
The DJIA stock posting the largest daily percentage gain ahead of the close Friday was Nike Inc. (NYSE: NKE) which traded up 1.82% at $54.02. The stock’s 52-week range is $49.01 to $65.44. Volume was less than 10% above the daily average of around 9.2 million shares. The athletic gear maker had no specific news.
The Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (NYSE: GS) traded up 1.65% at $245.29. The stock’s 52-week range is $138.20 to $246.19, a new high posted this afternoon. Volume was about 20% below the daily average of around 3.9 million shares. The investment bank had no specific news Friday.
The Walt Disney Co. (NYSE: DIS) traded up 1.60% at $109.10. The stock’s 52-week range is $86.25 to $107.62. Volume was about 10% below the daily average of around 8.1 million shares. RBC Capital upgraded the stock to Outperform and a sharp boost to the price target: from $101 to $130.
Visa Inc. (NYSE: V) traded up 1.45% at $82.26. The stock’s 52-week range is $66.12 to $83.96. Volume was about 30% below the daily average of around 10.6 million shares. The company had no specific news Friday.
Of the Dow 30 stocks, 8 are on track to close higher Friday and 22 are set to close lower.
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