February 8, 2017: Markets opened lower Wednesday and the blue chippers of the DJIA never made it above the break-even line. Counter-cyclical sectors were the day’s leading gainers while financial stocks took the brunt of the sell-off. WTI crude oil for March delivery settled at $52.34 a barrel, up about 0.3% on the day, even after a government report showed the addition of 13.8 million barrels to the nation’s commercial inventories. April gold added 0.3% on the day to settle at $1,239.50. Equities were headed for a mixed close close shortly before the bell as the DJIA traded down 0.19% for the day, the S&P 500 traded up 0.09%, and the Nasdaq Composite traded up 0.19%.
The DJIA stock posting the largest daily percentage loss ahead of the close Wednesday was JPMorgan Chase & Co. (NYSE: JPM) which traded down 0.90% at $85.94. The stock’s 52-week range is $52.50 to $88.17. Volume was about 60% below the daily average of around 18.4 million shares. The big bank had no specific news.
Exxon Mobil Corp. (NYSE: XOM) traded down 0.76% at $81.40. The stock’s 52-week range is $77.58 to $95.55. Volume was less than 10% below the daily average of around 11.4 million shares. The company had no specific news.
The Boeing Co. (NYSE: BA) traded down 0.75% at $163.85. The stock’s 52-week range is $102.10 to $170.00. Volume was about 30% below the daily average of around 3.4 million shares. The aerospace company had no specific news.
United Technologies Corp. (NYSE: UTX) traded down 0.71% at $110.46. The stock’s 52-week range is $83.85 to $112.83. Volume was about half the daily average of around 9 million shares. The company had no specific news.
Of the Dow 30 stocks, 17 are on track to close higher Wednesday and 13 are set to close lower.
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