
Weird Superstitions People Believe Will Make Them Rich

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Many people around the world consider themselves superstitious, and far more will act superstitiously if the chance presents itself. Superstition is defined as a belief or practice resulting from ignorance, fear of the unknown, trust in magic or chance, or a false conception of causation.

People all over the world either believe in them or engage in superstitious behaviors because, for the most part, they require no effort and harm no one. Who is knocking on wood or avoiding a black cat going to hurt?

About 13% of America’s total population, and 18% of young adults between 18 and 29 years of age, define themselves as superstitious, but 35% will act superstitiously if a chance presents itself, such as picking up a penny from the ground.

Some argue that superstitions are a sign of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) because people feel an urge to repeat certain rituals, such as knocking a certain number of time on a door. There is not enough scientific evidence to support this notion as not all rituals are done over and over out of the belief something bad will happen otherwise.

People have been engaging in strange superstitions for centuries, many of which have pagan origins. Some have evolved over time and traveled from country to country as people moved from one place to another freely. Most are done with the confidence that they will bring good luck and, more specifically, money.

You might consider yourself a very rational person, but then something as simple as a calendar date or a number makes you feel differently about a certain situation. These are the most common superstitions in every state.

Click here to read about the weirdest superstitions people think will bring them wealth

Hammering coins into trees

This is as close as you may get to money growing on trees. Downed old trees with coins hammered into their bark are a popular sight in some parts of the United Kingdom. The hope is that following this tradition will bring people wealth. These “money trees” are thought to have pagan origins.


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Ensuring that purses always contain some money

Putting money in a purse or a wallet, especially if you gift it to another person, is widely practiced in Greece, but the superstition has spread all over the continent. The logic is simple — money attracts money. A penny or a dime will do; there is no need to stash a fortune. For the same reason, you shouldn’t ever completely empty your bank account either.

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Never leaving bags on the floor

The reasons to never put bags or purses on the floor vary from germs to drastically decreased resale value. Losing money is another one. An old Chinese proverb goes: “A purse on the floor is money out the door.” A bag on the ground will bring bad luck when it comes to your finances, so keep it elevated, just in case.

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Appreciating bird droppings

They are an inconvenience at the very least, but the stinky substances may be worth the trouble. Referred to as guano, seabird droppings were a very important commodity in the 19th century. Guano was traded and sold as fertilizer in many countries. Today, many believe that finding bird poop on your property brings good luck and money.


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Burying a St. Joseph statue

The idea is that burying a plastic statue of Jesus’ foster father will help sell your home faster. Where the notion came from is unclear, but many realtors believe in it. The practice became widely popular in the United States in the 1990s. After the house has been sold, it’s important to dig up the statue to keep it from changing owners.

Smelling a vulture’s brain

Using a vulture’s brain as a way to get rich is such a popular superstition in parts of Africa that it is bringing the bird to the brink of extinction. Gamblers believe that smoking and inhaling the small organ will make them have premonitions that will help them see winning lottery numbers, sports scores and other future outcomes. The idea that vultures may have clairvoyant powers is based on the fact that the birds have good vision and can easily find prey.


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Writing “$” on your hand every morning

The expectation is a big return on little investment. Witting “money” or the dollar sign with red on your right palm every morning before you leave the house for 15 consecutive days, starting with the day of the new moon, is supposed to get you an unexpected amount of money within a few days.

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Finding a spider in your pocket

The superstition that a spider found on one’s clothes brings money goes back to the 16th century. It’s best if you find the spider in your pocket because this means you will always have money. A similar “rule” is to never kill a spider found in the house, as you would be killing your good luck and fortune.

Saying “money” when seeing a shooting star

You have probably heard of wishing on a shooting star. It doesn’t cost a thing and will be well worth a shot. So mumble “money, money” as quickly as you can before the star fades away, and your wish may come true. Other versions of this belief have people say “money” just once or three times.


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Picking pennies that are heads up

A lucky penny is supposed to bring a person good luck. The “find a penny, pick it up, and all day long you’ll have good luck” saying counts if the penny is heads up. If it’s tails up, it means bad luck. This superstition, though popular all over the world now, may have ancient origins when people thought metals offered protection from evil.

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Not whistling inside

The idea that whistling inside the house will lead to a loss of money and bad luck is widely believed in Russia and the Baltic states. And, especially, don’t do it if you are in someone else’s house because you’ll be whistling away their money. The belief is that whistling is the language of evil and by doing so you are inviting evil spirits into your home. You can whistle as much as you like outside.


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Wearing jade rings

Some Chinese people believe that jade will protect them from harm; it’s like a guardian. Another belief is that if a woman wears jade she will marry a rich man. According to feng shui, wearing a jade ring on the middle or little finger will bring wealth. Women should wear it on the right hand, and men on the left.

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Using number 8 whenever you can

Eight is considered among the luckiest numbers in Chinese culture. It sounds like “fa” in Chinese, which means wealth and fortune, which is why it’s thought to bring affluence. Some numerologists argue that the importance of eight is actually balance. It balances the material and immaterial worlds.

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Having a cricket as a pet

Some people in European countries believe that a cricket inside the house will bring with it wealth and fortune. According to the superstition, the best place to keep the insect is the kitchen (or near the heart if you’re wearing a cricket ornament).


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Keeping a jar of pennies

Aside from the fact that this will save you a lot of money, there is another reason to keep coins in a jar. If you keep the jar in the kitchen, it’s supposed to bring prosperity and wealth into your home. For similar reasons, you should always have a penny in your pocket.

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Chanting the Trinka Five spell

One of the versions goes as follows: “Trinka Five, Trinka Five; ancient spirits come alive; money flow; money thrive; spirits of the Trinka Five.” It’s based on a Gypsy chant. You’re supposed to rub your hands together quickly while chanting.


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Keeping cinnamon in your wallet

You may have heard that burning a cinnamon stick will lure money to you. Cinnamon is also believed to help people in their efforts to find a job or get a raise. Similarly, because cinnamon attracts fortune, sprinkling some in your wallet is thought to be a quick money spell.

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Not painting the “wealth corner” certain colors

The southeast corner of a room is considered the wealth corner, according to feng shui. The second wealth, or career corner, which protects you from losing your job, is in the north. Don’t paint the north corner green, yellow, brown, pink or skin colors, and don’t paint the south corner blue, black or skin colors.

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Throwing money in a wishing well

Tossing coins in a fountain sounds like losing money, but many people believe it means the opposite actually happens in the long run. The coins and sometimes even paper bills — probably amounting to hundreds of dollars a day in more popular fountains — can clog them up, so they get removed and the money often goes to charity or public services. People in need grab them, too.

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