
Bitcoin Price Prediction in 2025: Bull, Base & Bear Forecasts

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Bitcoin first came onto the scene in 2009. The goal of the coin was to have a decentralized currency that didn’t rely upon being backed by the Federal Reserve or gold, something that our current currency depends on. It also isn’t supposed to be tied to any stock market, putting it purely on its own and what someone will pay for it. People weren’t sure how to initially take Bitcoin. You’d be investing in a form of money that nobody took as currency. You couldn’t go to the store and buy food with it. Using it to put gas in your car wasn’t an option. There was no real use for it, other than as a potential long-term investment.

Bitcoin was once selling for $0.05 per coin in July 2010. If there was any way to go back in time and get in on it then, everyone would. Today, one Bitcoin is going for over $37,000. It once reached a peak of over $65,000 per coin. One of the reasons people have become so fascinated by it is the potential future use of the coin, as we do appear to be heading towards a more centralized market. There is also only a finite amount of Bitcoin out there, a little over 21 million. There have been tons of scandals surrounding Bitcoin and all cryptocurrencies

Now this might seem like a lot, but they can’t make any more. There wouldn’t even be enough Bitcoin for every person in the United States to have 1/10th of one today. People like Elon Musk have considered using Bitcoin to buy Teslas. So what exactly does the future for Bitcoin hold? Will it ever get back to its peak? What does the outlook for 2025 look like?

Bitcoin Bull 2025 Forecast 

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If we are in a bull market, assuming the value will rise to roughly $75,000 per coin by the end of 2025 is fair.

Let’s first talk about what a bull forecast is. This is when the market for something, in this case, Bitcoin, is going to rise a lot. If we’re in a bull market, that’s a good thing for stocks. It also means you should buy now and sell later. Within the last two years, which is when the end of 2025 would be, the lowest Bitcoin got was $16,000 per coin. On January 1, 2022, one Bitcoin was going for $47,000. This means the coin has lost around $10,000 per coin in value over the last roughly two years. However, it’s been steadily rising ever since it hit its low in November 2022.

It’s reasonable to assume this rise will continue over the next two years. If we are in a bull market, assuming the value will rise to roughly $75,000 per coin by the end of 2025 is fair. This would be a new high for the coin and it would be in a short amount of time. In five years, it’s fair to assume the coin could reach $100,000. There are a lot of people in the world who are believers in Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency as a whole. If you’re one of those people, invest now. You should see a huge return on your investment. 

Bitcoin Bear 2025 Forecast

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We just talked about the market firing up, but that’s not what always happens. There are times when the market takes a dip, which is what a bear market is. Those who forecast a bear market sell what they have now and wait until the market dips far enough to get in on it again. As talked about before, the lowest Bitcoin has gotten since the start of 2022 is $16,000 per coin in November 2022. Today, the coin is going for $37,000.

The reason people might want to sell now and wait is because of how much the value of the coin has grown lately. They think we will likely see a drop before a rise. Over the last two months, the coin has grown $10,000 in value. It’s fair to think we will see a number around the $22,000 mark if there is a bear trajectory with Bitcoin. If you think the value of Bitcoin is going to fall before we see a rise, sell now and wait to rebuy some more of the coin. 

Bitcoin 2025 Forecast

Source: da-kuk / E+ via Getty Images
The outcome of this election will determine the future of the coin.

Now let’s talk about the most likely scenario for what will happen with Bitcoin by the end of 2025. Odds are, it will be a roller coaster, as it is with all investments. As previously talked about, the coin has had a recent surge that’s going to be followed by a slight fall in value. This will probably get to around $32,000. The coin will then more than likely steadily rise to around $40,000 by the time of the presidential election in November 2024.

The outcome of this election will determine the future of the coin. Odds are, if a Democrat wins, their value will fall because Democrats like having more government control in the stock market and investments. If a Republican wins, the value will rise, because Republicans like a loose stock market and not as much government control. By the end of 2025, it’s fair to assume a value of around $30,000 if a Democrat wins the election and $50,000 if a Republican wins it.

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