
5 Cathie Wood Quotes Every 70-Year-Old Needs to Hear - Yuri A /

Cathie Wood has long been known as a leading financial and investment resource. As the founder, CEO, and CIO of ARK Invest, an investment management company, Wood understands the ins and outs of both investing and entrepreneurship. Furthermore, she provides excellent and applicable life, business, and financial advice to individuals of all ages and backgrounds.

We’ve already compiled a list of Cathie Wood quotes for 30-year-olds, but what about the older generations? Here are five Cathie Wood quotes every 70-year-old needs to hear.

1. “Make sure you’re on the right side of change.”

Hand flip wooden cube with word change to chance, Personal development and career growth or change yourself concept
Source: Monster Ztudio /
Every change brings the chance to cultivate something beautiful.

Takeaway: Adapt to Changes as Necessary

Flexibility and adaptation concept. Arrows on cubes following a flexible path.
Source: Cagkan Sayin /
Adaptability is a strength that requires practice.

At this point in your life, while reflecting back on previous decades, you likely understand and have mastered the art of change. No one is spared from the ebbs and flows of life. We all will experience sudden shifts, closed doors, or changes in plans that we may never have seen coming. This is true in both our personal and professional lies, as well as in our finances.

As a 70-something, it’s a great time for you to consider how you have handled change in the past and how you might continue to ensure you are on the right side of it. By now, you have probably learned hard lessons about adaptability that you can apply to your current state. 

2. “I always believe truth wins out.”

The word Truth appearing behind torn brown paper.
Source: Ivelin Radkov /
Stick to your truth, and you’ll always win.
  • Source: Cathie Wood, Investor’s Business Daily

Takeaway: Commit to Your Truth

Truth instead of trust. Hand turns dice and changes the word "Trust" to "Truth".
Source: FrankHH /
Focus your energy on success, paying the doubters no mind.

With all of your lived experiences, you’ve likely learned the truth will always prevail. That being said, it’s important to commit to your truth and trust the outcome you desire. There were likely many times in your life when you doubted yourself or internalized the doubts from those around you. However, as you get older and gain confidence in yourself, you likely realize there’s simply no time to give your power away to those individuals. Trust your own truth and your own success, using your past experiences as proof that it will all work out. 

3. “I love figuring out how the world is going to work.”

sucess hike mountain landscape sunset
Source: loic_mry /
Remain curious — no matter your age.
  • Source: Cathie Wood, Investor’s Business Daily

Takeaway: Share Your Insights and Keep Learning 

Light bulb on the open book, Idea concept for innovation idea, power of knowledge, power of reading, Self-learning, and education knowledge.
Source: Rad K /
Keep your lessons close to your heart.

We are never too old to continue learning about the world around us. As someone who has spent decades on this earth accumulating insights and experiences, consider sharing your wisdom with those who are still navigating the uncertainties of the world. 

Additionally, trust your own lessons and apply them to the decisions you make going forward. Until the day you die, you’ll continue to learn more about how the world works. Embrace these lessons, and keep an open mind as you forge your path forward each day. 

4. “Putting the pieces of the puzzle together with each other is going to get us to the truth faster.”

Concept of teamwork and partnership. Hands join puzzle pieces in the office. business people putting the jigsaws team together.Charity, volunteer. Unity, team business.
Source: chayanuphol /
Never be too proud to ask for help.
  • Source:​​ Cathie Wood, Investor’s Business Daily

Takeaway: Accept Help

Seniors Citizens Learn Computer Skills
Source: Tim Boyle / Getty Images News via Getty Images
Working with others can accelerate your growth and success.

To some individuals, turning to others for advice or wisdom can feel like giving your power away. However, especially as you get older, accepting help from others is crucial. We all come from different walks of life, view the world differently, and are of various generations with diverse perspectives. By opening up your mind to other ways of thinking or living, you allow yourself to consider points of view other than your own. 

By this age, you might feel stuck in your ways, but acknowledging that other people’s beliefs, experiences, and opinions are just as valuable and real as your own is essential to growing and finding success.

5. “I always believed that everything was going to work out … We didn’t stop. We didn’t just sit there waiting for something to happen.”

Excited older couple giving high five, mature family celebrating success, checking or paying domestic bills, planning budget, smiling mature man holding financial documents, reading good news
Source: fizkes /
No matter what roadblocks you might face in life, never give up on your end goal.
  • Source:​​ Cathie Wood, Investor’s Business Daily

Takeaway: Use Your Success Stories as Proof Things Will Work Out

Happy elderly woman celebrating her fitness achievement after a great outdoor workout session, flaunting her strong bicep. Fit senior woman expressing her pride in her successful exercise routine.
Source: JLco Julia Amaral /
Remember all the times you “made it,” and use those moments as proof you will do so again.

As we grow up, many people encourage us to hold tight to the belief that everything will work out “eventually.” However, it often isn’t until we reach that place where things did, in fact, work out that we actually believe it to be true. 

With your decades of life experience, you’ve likely had many aha! moments when you’ve learned, in time, why certain things didn’t work out the way you originally planned. However, odds are there’s also a lot of nuance you’ve discovered along the way. For example, oftentimes, our attitudes toward certain situations — as well as the narratives we feed ourselves — greatly impact the outcome. 

Continue to trust that no matter how old you are, what path you’re on, or what part of life you’re in, things will unravel as they’re meant to. You are always in alignment with your dreams — so long as you are willing to do the work. This is not some magic fix where you simply believe everything will be okay and then witness it working out within a few short weeks. Instead, it’s about backing those beliefs with actions and pursuing your desires while addressing any blocks head-on.

Why We Are Covering This

Investing and stock market concept gain and profits with faded candlestick charts.
Source: Travis Wolfe /
Cathie Wood is a leading investor with incredible business, finance, and life advice.

Cathie Wood, CEO of ARK Invest, is a leading investor with diverse financial and entrepreneurial experience. Regardless of your age or life goals, Wood’s advice can help you better align with your desires and reframe your mindset to achieve your dreams — it’s never too late to do so.

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