
Media Digest 6/29/2010 Reuters, WSJ, NY Times, FT, Bloomberg

Reuters:   The financial reform bill may be delayed until mid-July.

Reuters:   The storm in the Gulf may delay oil clean-up.

Reuters:   Oil fell to $77.

Reuters:   Baidu Inc (NASDAQ: BIDU) will hire US engineers to work in China.

Reuters:   Top cellular companies will sell the Google Inc. (NASDAQ: GOOG) Android-based phone called the Samsung Galaxy X.Reuters:   Telsa was priced at the top of its IPO range.

WSJ:   Danone will enter markets where people have less than a $1 a day to eat.

WSJ:   Google  will begin to send results to China in a way that may get its license with the government renewed.

WSJ:   The SEC has approved public listings for little-known Russian start-ups.

WSJ:   Online travel firms are looking at buying ITA Software as Google becomes interested in using its products.

WSJ:   The ECB said it will help banks as $547 billion in loans come due.

WSJ:   GlaxoSmithKline’s (NYSE: GSK) Avandia has come under more attacks for creating increased risk of stroke, heart failure and even death.

WSJ:   Dubai’s air service may cancel large numbers of Airbus and Boeing (NYSE: BA) orders.

WSJ:   The Supreme Court struck down a number of the provisions of Sarbanes Oxley.

WSJ:   Elevation Partners increased its stake in Facebook.

WSJ:   More companies are paying dividends.

NYT:   Ireland’s austerity measures have not caused a recovery and its economy is still falling.

NYT:   Dell Computer (NASDAQ: DELL) shipped computers that it knew had problems in from 2003 to 2005.

NYT:   The Supreme Court narrowed the ability to patent certain business methods.

FT:   The Fed may consider slow asset sales.

FT:   Foxconn will move some assembly of Apple Inc. (NASDAQ: AAPL) products to keep costs low.

FT:   Fears in Europe sent money into US Treasuries.

FT:   Illegal immigrants won’t able to make claims to  BP plc (NYSE: BP).

Bloomberg:   Telsa raised $226 million.

Bloomberg:   The Volcker rule may give investment banks a decade to comply.

Bloomberg:   Taiwan will sign its first trade agreement with China.

Bloomberg:   BP is being sued over losses in its employee’s pension.

Bloomberg:   Waves from Alex are reaching the BP recovery site.

Bloomberg:   The head of the IMF said the yuan revaluation will be slow.

Bloomberg:   Greeks began to walk off jobs.

Douglas A. McIntyre

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