Population and Social Characteristics

These 31 Countries Are Aging The Fastest

kate_sept2004 / E+ via Getty Images

Life expectancy at birth has climbed sharply in recent decades. Due in large part to improved living standards and advances in medicine, average life expectancy rose globally from 51 in 1960 to 71 in 2021, according to the World Bank. While unambiguously positive, this trend — in conjunction with other recent demographic changes — is fueling an impending crisis in much of the world.

As people are living longer, healthier lives, they are also having fewer kids. Since the early 1960s, the global fertility rate — or the average number of children women have in their lifetime — has fallen by over 50%. Partially as a result, the global population is aging rapidly.

In any given country, an aging population often means workers will be retiring faster than job vacancies can be filled by those entering the labor force. As retirement-age populations grow, health care and pension systems are strained — not only by rising demand for benefits and services, but also by the smaller pool of workers paying into social safety net programs.

As recently as 2003, there were an estimated 457.4 million people aged 65 and up worldwide, or about 7% of the world population. As of 2022, there were over 779.6 million people 65 or older, equal to about 10% of the population. In some countries, the growth in retirement-age populations over the last 20 years has been far more pronounced.

Using data from the World Bank, 24/7 Wall St. identified the countries that are aging the fastest. Countries are ranked on the percentage point change in the share of the population aged 65 and up between 2003 to 2022. Data on median age by country is from the CIA World Factbook and is for the most recent available year. All other supplementary data is from the World Bank and is also for the most recent available year.

Globally, the share of people aged 65 and up increased by 2.6 percentage points between 2003 and 2022. Among the countries on this list, retirement-age residents as a share of the total population climbed by anywhere from about 5 percentage points to more than 13 percentage points over the same period. Now, the share of the population older than 64 in these countries ranges from 11.5% to 35.9%.

Most countries on this list are relatively wealthy. In all but a handful, gross domestic product per capita exceeds the $12,688 global average. Health outcomes tend to be better in high-income areas, and in each of these countries, life expectancy at birth exceeds the 71.3 year global average — by over a decade in some cases. (Here is a look at the countries with the most millionaires.)

Birth rates have also historically trended lower in wealthier countries. For a country to maintain a steady population size — immigration notwithstanding — the average fertility rate should stand at around 2.1 children per woman. In every country on this list with available data, fertility rates are below that threshold. (Here is a look at the countries with devastatingly low birth rates.)

Why It Matters

ablokhin / iStock Editorial via Getty Images

Demographic trends, like an aging population, can have far-reaching consequences. In any given country, more older residents can mean fewer people to fill essential jobs, and fewer workers to support a growing number of retirees. The problem is expected to get worse before it gets better. There were over 700 million people aged 65 and older worldwide in 2020, and according to U.N. estimates, that number is expected to double by mid-century.

31. United States

GCShutter / E+ via Getty Images
  • 20-yr. change in pct. of pop. aged 65+: +4.9 ppt. (12.3% in 2003, 17.1% in 2022)
  • 65 and older population in 2022: 57,085,895 (+60.3% from 2003)
  • Avg. life expectancy at birth: 76.3 years
  • Median age in 2022: 38.9 years
  • Fertility rate: Avg. of 1.7 children per woman over lifetime
  • GDP per capita: $76,330
  • Region: North America

30. Italy

Italy | Venice Grand Canal
pedrosz / Flickr
  • 20-yr. change in pct. of pop. aged 65+: +4.9 ppt. (19.1% in 2003, 24.1% in 2022)
  • 65 and older population in 2022: 14,177,282 (+29.3% from 2003)
  • Avg. life expectancy at birth: 82.8 years
  • Median age in 2024: 48.4 years
  • Fertility rate: Avg. of 1.3 children per woman over lifetime
  • GDP per capita: $34,776
  • Region: Europe

29. Barbados

zstockphotos / iStock via Getty Images
  • 20-yr. change in pct. of pop. aged 65+: +5.0 ppt. (11.3% in 2003, 16.3% in 2022)
  • 65 and older population in 2022: 45,840 (+51.3% from 2003)
  • Avg. life expectancy at birth: 77.6 years
  • Median age in 2024: 41.4 years
  • Fertility rate: Avg. of 1.6 children per woman over lifetime
  • GDP per capita: $20,239
  • Region: Central America and the Caribbean

28. Bulgaria

Public Domain / Wikimedia Commons
  • 20-yr. change in pct. of pop. aged 65+: +5.0 ppt. (17.4% in 2003, 22.4% in 2022)
  • 65 and older population in 2022: 1,446,752 (+7.0% from 2003)
  • Avg. life expectancy at birth: 71.5 years
  • Median age in 2024: 45.1 years
  • Fertility rate: Avg. of 1.6 children per woman over lifetime
  • GDP per capita: $13,974
  • Region: Europe

27. Greece

  • 20-yr. change in pct. of pop. aged 65+: +5.0 ppt. (17.8% in 2003, 22.8% in 2022)
  • 65 and older population in 2022: 2,379,620 (+22.2% from 2003)
  • Avg. life expectancy at birth: 80.2 years
  • Median age in 2024: 46.5 years
  • Fertility rate: Avg. of 1.4 children per woman over lifetime
  • GDP per capita: $20,867
  • Region: Europe

26. Cuba

  • 20-yr. change in pct. of pop. aged 65+: +5.2 ppt. (10.6% in 2003, 15.8% in 2022)
  • 65 and older population in 2022: 1,772,517 (+49.1% from 2003)
  • Avg. life expectancy at birth: 73.7 years
  • Median age in 2024: 42.6 years
  • Fertility rate: Avg. of 1.4 children per woman over lifetime
  • GDP per capita: $9,500
  • Region: Central America and the Caribbean

25. France

French flag and Eiffel Tower in Paris
Creative Lab / Shutterstock.com
  • 20-yr. change in pct. of pop. aged 65+: +5.2 ppt. (16.4% in 2003, 21.7% in 2022)
  • 65 and older population in 2022: 14,721,512 (+44.0% from 2003)
  • Avg. life expectancy at birth: 82.3 years
  • Median age in 2024: 42.6 years
  • Fertility rate: Avg. of 1.8 children per woman over lifetime
  • GDP per capita: $40,886
  • Region: Europe

24. Latvia

Marcus Lindstrom / E+ via Getty Images
  • 20-yr. change in pct. of pop. aged 65+: +5.4 ppt. (16.5% in 2003, 21.9% in 2022)
  • 65 and older population in 2022: 410,757 (+8.8% from 2003)
  • Avg. life expectancy at birth: 73.3 years
  • Median age in 2024: 45.5 years
  • Fertility rate: Avg. of 1.6 children per woman over lifetime
  • GDP per capita: $21,780
  • Region: Europe

23. Lithuania

  • 20-yr. change in pct. of pop. aged 65+: +5.4 ppt. (15.4% in 2003, 20.8% in 2022)
  • 65 and older population in 2022: 588,872 (+12.0% from 2003)
  • Avg. life expectancy at birth: 74.3 years
  • Median age in 2024: 45.1 years
  • Fertility rate: Avg. of 1.3 children per woman over lifetime
  • GDP per capita: $25,065
  • Region: Europe

22. Slovak Republic

mirovic / iStock via Getty Images
  • 20-yr. change in pct. of pop. aged 65+: +5.5 ppt. (11.5% in 2003, 17.0% in 2022)
  • 65 and older population in 2022: 922,176 (+49.2% from 2003)
  • Avg. life expectancy at birth: 74.7 years
  • Median age in 2024: 42.8 years
  • Fertility rate: Avg. of 1.6 children per woman over lifetime
  • GDP per capita: $21,257
  • Region: Europe

21. Malta

Cristian Mircea Balate / iStock via Getty Images
  • 20-yr. change in pct. of pop. aged 65+: +5.5 ppt. (13.6% in 2003, 19.1% in 2022)
  • 65 and older population in 2022: 101,593 (+87.6% from 2003)
  • Avg. life expectancy at birth: 82.9 years
  • Median age in 2024: 43.5 years
  • Fertility rate: Avg. of 1.1 children per woman over lifetime
  • GDP per capita: $34,128
  • Region: Europe

20. Denmark

mammuth / E+ via Getty Images
  • 20-yr. change in pct. of pop. aged 65+: +5.6 ppt. (14.9% in 2003, 20.5% in 2022)
  • 65 and older population in 2022: 1,209,352 (+50.8% from 2003)
  • Avg. life expectancy at birth: 81.4 years
  • Median age in 2024: 42.2 years
  • Fertility rate: Avg. of 1.7 children per woman over lifetime
  • GDP per capita: $67,790
  • Region: Europe

19. Croatia

Dreamer4787 / iStock via Getty Images
  • 20-yr. change in pct. of pop. aged 65+: +5.7 ppt. (16.7% in 2003, 22.4% in 2022)
  • 65 and older population in 2022: 861,950 (+20.2% from 2003)
  • Avg. life expectancy at birth: 76.4 years
  • Median age in 2024: 45.1 years
  • Fertility rate: Avg. of 1.6 children per woman over lifetime
  • GDP per capita: $18,570
  • Region: Europe

18. Bosnia and Herzegovina

Greg Sullavan / iStock via Getty Images
  • 20-yr. change in pct. of pop. aged 65+: +5.7 ppt. (12.7% in 2003, 18.4% in 2022)
  • 65 and older population in 2022: 594,962 (+12.4% from 2003)
  • Avg. life expectancy at birth: 75.3 years
  • Median age in 2024: 44.8 years
  • Fertility rate: Avg. of 1.4 children per woman over lifetime
  • GDP per capita: $7,569
  • Region: Europe

17. Poland

Poland | Old city center view in Krakow
RossHelen / iStock via Getty Images
  • 20-yr. change in pct. of pop. aged 65+: +5.8 ppt. (12.8% in 2003, 18.6% in 2022)
  • 65 and older population in 2022: 6,832,114 (+40.2% from 2003)
  • Avg. life expectancy at birth: 75.6 years
  • Median age in 2024: 42.9 years
  • Fertility rate: Avg. of 1.3 children per woman over lifetime
  • GDP per capita: $18,688
  • Region: Europe

16. Portugal

Portugal | Porto Portugal Old City
SeanPavonePhoto / iStock via Getty Images
  • 20-yr. change in pct. of pop. aged 65+: +5.9 ppt. (17.0% in 2003, 22.9% in 2022)
  • 65 and older population in 2022: 2,383,516 (+34.4% from 2003)
  • Avg. life expectancy at birth: 81.1 years
  • Median age in 2024: 46.4 years
  • Fertility rate: Avg. of 1.4 children per woman over lifetime
  • GDP per capita: $24,515
  • Region: Europe

15. Trinidad and Tobago

CaraMaria / iStock via Getty Images
  • 20-yr. change in pct. of pop. aged 65+: +6.0 ppt. (5.5% in 2003, 11.5% in 2022)
  • 65 and older population in 2022: 176,309 (+135.2% from 2003)
  • Avg. life expectancy at birth: 73.0 years
  • Median age in 2024: 38.5 years
  • Fertility rate: Avg. of 1.6 children per woman over lifetime
  • GDP per capita: $19,629
  • Region: Central America and the Caribbean

14. Slovenia

  • 20-yr. change in pct. of pop. aged 65+: +6.2 ppt. (14.8% in 2003, 21.0% in 2022)
  • 65 and older population in 2022: 442,654 (+50.3% from 2003)
  • Avg. life expectancy at birth: 80.9 years
  • Median age in 2024: 46.3 years
  • Fertility rate: Avg. of 1.6 children per woman over lifetime
  • GDP per capita: $28,439
  • Region: Europe

13. China

zhaojiankang / iStock via Getty Images
  • 20-yr. change in pct. of pop. aged 65+: +6.2 ppt. (7.5% in 2003, 13.7% in 2022)
  • 65 and older population in 2022: 193,783,391 (+100.5% from 2003)
  • Avg. life expectancy at birth: 78.2 years
  • Median age in 2024: 40.2 years
  • Fertility rate: Avg. of 1.2 children per woman over lifetime
  • GDP per capita: $12,720
  • Region: East and Southeast Asia

12. Mauritius

Konstik / iStock via Getty Images
  • 20-yr. change in pct. of pop. aged 65+: +6.3 ppt. (6.5% in 2003, 12.8% in 2022)
  • 65 and older population in 2022: 161,507 (+103.7% from 2003)
  • Avg. life expectancy at birth: 73.7 years
  • Median age in 2024: 39.6 years
  • Fertility rate: Avg. of 1.4 children per woman over lifetime
  • GDP per capita: $10,256
  • Region: Africa

11. Canada

Canada | Canadian flag waving with Parliament Buildings hill and Library
daoleduc / iStock via Getty Images
  • 20-yr. change in pct. of pop. aged 65+: +6.3 ppt. (12.8% in 2003, 19.0% in 2022)
  • 65 and older population in 2022: 7,410,039 (+83.6% from 2003)
  • Avg. life expectancy at birth: 82.6 years
  • Median age in 2024: 42.6 years
  • Fertility rate: Avg. of 1.4 children per woman over lifetime
  • GDP per capita: $55,522
  • Region: North America

10. Netherlands

a_Taiga / iStock via Getty Images
  • 20-yr. change in pct. of pop. aged 65+: +6.5 ppt. (13.9% in 2003, 20.3% in 2022)
  • 65 and older population in 2022: 3,595,905 (+60.0% from 2003)
  • Avg. life expectancy at birth: 81.5 years
  • Median age in 2024: 42.2 years
  • Fertility rate: Avg. of 1.6 children per woman over lifetime
  • GDP per capita: $57,025
  • Region: Europe

9. Czechia

DaLiu / iStock via Getty Images
  • 20-yr. change in pct. of pop. aged 65+: +6.8 ppt. (13.8% in 2003, 20.6% in 2022)
  • 65 and older population in 2022: 2,203,094 (+56.1% from 2003)
  • Avg. life expectancy at birth: 77.4 years
  • Median age in 2024: 44.2 years
  • Fertility rate: Avg. of 1.8 children per woman over lifetime
  • GDP per capita: $27,227
  • Region: Europe

8. Albania

RossHelen / iStock via Getty Images
  • 20-yr. change in pct. of pop. aged 65+: +7.8 ppt. (8.9% in 2003, 16.7% in 2022)
  • 65 and older population in 2022: 462,629 (+71.0% from 2003)
  • Avg. life expectancy at birth: 76.5 years
  • Median age in 2024: 36.3 years
  • Fertility rate: Avg. of 1.4 children per woman over lifetime
  • GDP per capita: $6,810
  • Region: Europe

7. Finland

Finland | Helsinki, Finland
scanrail / iStock via Getty Images
  • 20-yr. change in pct. of pop. aged 65+: +7.8 ppt. (15.5% in 2003, 23.3% in 2022)
  • 65 and older population in 2022: 1,293,168 (+60.5% from 2003)
  • Avg. life expectancy at birth: 81.9 years
  • Median age in 2024: 43.3 years
  • Fertility rate: Avg. of 1.5 children per woman over lifetime
  • GDP per capita: $50,872
  • Region: Europe

6. Singapore

  • 20-yr. change in pct. of pop. aged 65+: +8.3 ppt. (6.9% in 2003, 15.1% in 2022)
  • 65 and older population in 2022: 852,166 (+201.8% from 2003)
  • Avg. life expectancy at birth: 83.4 years
  • Median age in 2024: 39.4 years
  • Fertility rate: Avg. of 1.1 children per woman over lifetime
  • GDP per capita: $82,808
  • Region: East and Southeast Asia

5. Thailand

Preto_perola / iStock via Getty Images
  • 20-yr. change in pct. of pop. aged 65+: +8.3 ppt. (6.9% in 2003, 15.2% in 2022)
  • 65 and older population in 2022: 10,906,792 (+143.6% from 2003)
  • Avg. life expectancy at birth: 78.7 years
  • Median age in 2024: 41.5 years
  • Fertility rate: Avg. of 1.3 children per woman over lifetime
  • GDP per capita: $6,910
  • Region: East and Southeast Asia

4. Liechtenstein

  • 20-yr. change in pct. of pop. aged 65+: +8.6 ppt. (10.7% in 2003, 19.4% in 2022)
  • 65 and older population in 2022: 7,616 (+109.0% from 2003)
  • Avg. life expectancy at birth: 84.4 years
  • Median age in 2024: 44.2 years
  • Fertility rate: Avg. of 1.5 children per woman over lifetime
  • GDP per capita: $197,505
  • Region: Europe

3. South Korea

SeanPavonePhoto / iStock via Getty Images
  • 20-yr. change in pct. of pop. aged 65+: +9.2 ppt. (8.3% in 2003, 17.5% in 2022)
  • 65 and older population in 2022: 9,030,344 (+128.2% from 2003)
  • Avg. life expectancy at birth: 83.5 years
  • Median age in 2024: 45.5 years
  • Fertility rate: Avg. of 0.8 children per woman over lifetime
  • GDP per capita: $32,423
  • Region: East and Southeast Asia

2. Japan

Japan | Tokyo city in Japan
StockByM / iStock via Getty Images
  • 20-yr. change in pct. of pop. aged 65+: +10.4 ppt. (19.6% in 2003, 29.9% in 2022)
  • 65 and older population in 2022: 37,443,104 (+49.8% from 2003)
  • Avg. life expectancy at birth: 84.4 years
  • Median age in 2024: 49.9 years
  • Fertility rate: Avg. of 1.3 children per woman over lifetime
  • GDP per capita: $34,017
  • Region: East and Southeast Asia

1. Monaco

Monaco | Monaco Monte Carlo sea view
Garsya / iStock via Getty Images
  • 20-yr. change in pct. of pop. aged 65+: +13.3 ppt. (22.6% in 2003, 35.9% in 2022)
  • 65 and older population in 2022: 13,099 (+79.5% from 2003)
  • Avg. life expectancy at birth: N/A
  • Median age in 2024: 56.9 years
  • Fertility rate: N/A
  • GDP per capita: $240,862
  • Region: Europe

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